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Europe’s Digital Decade – 2030

The year 2030 will mark the beginning of Europe’s “Digital Decade,” according to the European Union, where our data and personal interactions will be digitized. The European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (EDIC) will act as the legal foundation to assist member states in developing their own digital programs and objectives. The Digital Decade policy programme [sic] […]

Interview: Gold, European Banks, Real Estate, EVs, Marxism

Martin Armstrong: (8:38) Gold, European Banks, Real Estate, EVs, Marxism

The Major European Protest in Germany Tomorrow

COMMENT: Dear Mr Armstrong Happy New Year to you and your team from Germany. Just in case you didn‘t already know, tomorrow at 11 am is a nationwide general strike supposed to be happening as a protest to the policy of the recent government. They set up a map on GoogleMaps showing all events and […]

Has Europe Just Committed Suicide?

Europe has laid the groundwork for World War III and the destruction of Europe as a whole, all to save its failed fiscal management of the economy. Using the Ukrainian war that the West instigated by promising democratic elections to the Donbas in BAD FAITH just for being Russian, the European Union Council adopted a 12th […]

Viktor Orbán Tries to Save Europe from World War III

Europe is desperate to commit geopolitical and economic suicide. They have bullshitted the people all along, and all they are interested in is creating war to devastate Europe a third time simply as the excuse to cover up the economic failure of the Euro and the fiscal mismanagement of the economy. All world leaders have […]

The Central European Snowfall is on Par with the 1970s/1980s

Nobody wants to really talk about climate cycles. I can personally confirm that the snowfall in Munich appears to be worse than in the 1970s when I was there. In fact, I was snowed in the Frankfurt airport TWICE when the snow was so heavy, you could not even get a cab into town. I […]

Irish Patriotism is “Far-Right Extremism” – European Race Riots

The Irish are no strangers to battling those occupying their lands. This time, the European Union and Irish government permitted a mass influx of migrants into the country. Then Ireland granted those migrants the right to vote in elections. Increased foreign nationals, misaligned traditions and morals, followed by the deaths of numerous citizens has led […]

Kissinger: Allowing Migrants in Europe was a Grave Mistake

Where will the displaced people go when their homes are destroyed during this senseless war? No Arab nation has offered to take in Palestinian refugees. They fear the US and West knocking on their door too as the enemy hides behind the civilians. Henry Kissinger recently came out and said that Europe made a “grave […]

PRIVATE BLOG – The Fate of the Euro

PRIVATE BLOG – The Fate of the Euro Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

PRIVATE BLOG – The Euro – Time to Turnout the Lights?

PRIVATE BLOG – The Euro – Time to Turnout the Lights? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit