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New Interview: Russia, Ukraine, Sanctions, Food Shortages, WWIII, Great Reset, Economic Collapse

  Watch Martin Armstrong’s latest interview with Australia’s Maria Zeee: “Russia, Ukraine, Sanctions, Food Shortages, WWIII, Great Reset, Economic Collapse.”

Is War the Ploy for the Great Reset?

There is something very wrong going on here. In diplomacy, you NEVER begin by demonizing your opponent. It is like an argument between two people. You may try to discuss your issues, and at some point, it becomes impossible for either party to agree. That brings the name-calling and anger where you either leave or […]

New Interview: The Great Reset is FAILING!

  For more content from Maria Zeee, visit

Interview: Watch Martin Armstrong Expose the WEF and Great Reset

Watch Martin Armstrong’s latest interview with Maria Zeee. For more Maria Zeee content:

The Great Reset 2021

While many have desperately tried to call the Great Reset a conspiracy theory like the New York Times, that term was created and has been marketed by Kaus Schwab's World Economic Forum. Today, it seems whatever they try to label conspiracy theory is becoming a label of truth and censorship. This scheme has been marketed as the solution for the future claiming the people want equality (Communism) when in fact it has been just propaganda intended to cover up the fact that after issuing debt with no intention of ever repaying that debt since 1945, the decades of fiscal mismanagement is coming to a crisis point. When they say you will own nothing and be happy, all they are doing is trying to make you feel that they are doing this for you - not for themselves. This report looks more closely at the objectives behind this Great Reset that everyone should know.


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2020 World Economic Conference – The Great Reset

The Great Reset, the 2020 World Economic Conference features Martin Armstrong discussing various topics pertaining to economics and current events including rising civil unrest, international tensions, governments trying to lock people down, and the proposal of the "new norm". The conference uncovers the agenda behind it all.

The ECB is the Reason We Have the Great Reset

The European Central Bank (ECB) has kept its monetary policy unchanged. However, it did slow down the pace of net asset purchases under its pandemic emergency purchase program. The ECB’s main refinancing operations remain at 0%, on the marginal lending facility at 0.25%, and on the deposit facility at -0.5%. The ECB said that it […]

BigTech Showing it is Part of the Great Reset Against the People

We are getting reports from Australia that Google, YouTube, Fakebook, Instagram, and even Telegram has blocked the truckers communications in Australia. What they are doing in Australia to deny the public the fundamental right to rise up in protest against their government demonstrates that these companies are clearly against the people. If BigTech was around […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Biden will Declare War to Force Great Reset on Russia & China

PRIVATE BLOG – Biden will Declare War to Force Great Reset on Russia & China Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

DOWN UNDER & the Great Reset

QUESTION: Re, the distorted job market. We currently run a short term accommodation business in NSW, Australia. For about 3 years we have been trying to hire housekeepers. What we slowly learned was what you mentioned in your blog. We would get at least 40 applications for the one position. Then I would break it […]