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Hillary – Climate Change Affects Women More – That’s Why She Lost in 2016 along with Comey & Putin

Arrest Hillary Clinton and All Who Supported the Russian Collusion Hoax

Hillary Clinton is GUILTY of manipulating the 2016 US Presidential Election. No one believed Donald Trump when he said that the Russian collusion narrative was “fake news.” Top Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook testified under oath in federal court and confirmed that Hillary Clinton devised the Russia/Alfa Bank rumors. She encouraged her people to promote […]

Tucker Why We Are in Ukraine – Payback for Hillary


Durham is only Scratching the Surface of Hillary

I found myself in the middle of a political scandal that nobody in the West was willing to dare write about – more dirt on the Clintons. Even now with the breaking news that Special Counsel John Durham in a filing related to a criminal charge brought against Michael Sussman, an attorney for Hillary Clinton’s […]

All Fingers Point to Hillary & McCain

  It was Hillary who paid for the Steele Dossier, but it was John McCain who handed it to Comey at the FBI. Of course, Adam Schiff did more to promote this fake document paid for by Democrats than anybody else. He was the point man. They should be removed from office and should have […]

Hillary Advocated Violence – Is She a Domestic Terrorist?

  I find it really a double standard when Hillary advocated being uncivil by saying that civility can return ONLY when the Democrats control the government. The more this spirals out of control, the more it seems that the country should split. But the problem with the left is their vision of the New Green […]

Did Biden Avoid Hillary Because Her Emails Were in the Hands of Wikileaks?

  Wikileaks released more documents. They seem to contain the Clinton e-mails. Anyone finding gems, let me know. Now you will understand why Biden has avoided Hillary and passed over on her for any position.  

Biden looking to put Hillary in the United Nations – Perfect Considering the UN Great Reset


Brennan Confirmed RussiaGate was Created by Hillary

The amount of information coming out about this entire Soft Coup against Trump and how Hillary Clinton manufactured everything to distract people from the destroyed emails which were all obviously incriminating as all these foreign governments suddenly contributed to the Clinton Foundation, but then cut off all funding as soon as she lost the election. […]

CIA Confirms RussiaGate Made up by Hillary

  In all my years of having to deal with politicians around the world, I have NEVER witnessed such a complete collapse in all integrity. Even in this video, Bill looks quite disgusted himself at Hillary still harping it is the Russians. Now what has surfaced is a highly classified three-page memo dated Sept. 7, […]