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Biden Preparing to Pardon Hunter?

I cannot believe my own ears. There are people even talking about Biden pardoning his own son Hunter calling the investigation against him a political witchhunt. But that does not apply to Trump? Just when you thought politics could not stoop any lower, it always finds new lows. Just how do you pardon Hunter when […]

Around 67% of Americans Want Biden Impeached Over Hunter’s Laptop

The majority of Americans believe Joe Biden should vacate his office if (when) Hunter’s laptop from hell is revealed. Studies by liberal-backed firms indicate this notion. Harvard University’s Center for American Political Studies (CAPS) and Harris, a firm run by Democrat Mark Penn, found that only 37% of respondents believe Biden should run for re-election […]

Hunter’s Ex-Partner Confirms Joe Biden Took Money Sanctioned by Communist Party for Influence

  The Big-Tech and Mainstream Media refuse to report on the Hunter Biden saga claiming the emails were stolen or some other nonsense they do not apply when it comes to Trump. Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Tony Bobulinski who was the CEO of a firm with Hunter Biden, has now come forward to confirm […]

Ashley Biden’s Journal Confirmed to be Factual Yet Again

The mainstream media continues to sweep this information under the rug, but if it were not (D)ifferent), this would be one of the biggest presidential scandals in modern history. Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley Biden, left a diary a rehabilitation facility for sex-related trauma. The diary was shrouded in mystery and Biden’s PR team vehemently denied […]

Woman Who Discovered Ashley Biden’s Diary Sentenced

I reported earlier in the week that the Department of Justice (DOJ) was seeking charges against the woman who discovered Ashley Biden’s diary that she left in a rehab facility for sex addicts. The woman, Aimee Harris, 41, attempted to sell the diary to Project Veritas, but special agents raided the facility and prevented it […]

Interview: Biden 8% Approval Means Panic & War

Click here or watch the embedded video above for my latest interview with Greg Hunter from USA Watchdog.

The Receipts Proving the CCP Bought the Bidens

?Rep. @ByronDonalds just dropped the RECEIPTS proving Joe Biden obtained money from the CEFC, which is directly linked to the CCP: "It is clear that the source of this money came from the CEFC and that CEFC is a company that is directly linked to the CCP and the chairman of… — Benny Johnson […]

House Moves to Impeach Joe Biden

In a 221-212 vote, the House of Representatives voted on a resolution to produce a formal inquiry into the impeachment of Joe Biden. Every Republican supported the measure. Perhaps those in the middle had a change of heart after Biden invited Zelensky back to Washington to tell politicians how they should vote and spend their […]

DOJ Protecting President Biden – Equal Protection of the Law?

    COMMENT: Marty: You are very good at law. It looks to me that the DOJ is protecting Biden. When you look at the nine-count tax fraud indictment against Hunter, there is no mention of unpaid taxes from his million-dollar salary at Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company. Even the whistleblower emails suggested that Hunter […]

The Fake Indictment of Hunter Gathered for the Big Guy

5th Circuit August 9, 2023, Gun Case On August 9th, 2023, the 5th Circuit declared the statute that charges a person who uses drugs with up to 25 years in prison for having a gun and just using drugs was unconstitutional. The DOJ knew that this statute was illegal. So, they deliberately indicted Hunter using […]