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Interest Rates & the Fed

The Federal Reserve raised the benchmark by 25 bps, as expected. The Fed fully understands that the manipulation of the CPI is a necessary aspect both for containing government benefits and understating inflation also results in high tax revenues. The market loves hope, and as a result, they focused on the warning that we’ll be in […]

Beware the Plot Behind Interest Rates

  Sometimes you need to look behind the curtain before you understand the real trend. It is true that Federal Reserve officials are committed to fighting inflation and expect higher interest rates to remain in place until more progress is made, according to minutes released from the central bank’s December meeting. Also what has been […]

Interest Rates Rise will Not be Slow

This interview with FXStreet is from 2015. Some are surprised at the consecutive rate hikes, but our models have been indicating for a very long time that rates would rise rapidly. There would be no soft landing. Central banks maintained artificially low rates for far too long and were backed into a corner. They created […]

WEC 2022 Interest Rates

Interest Rates What Now

This short report provides a look at the interest rates problem and what we should expect from here as we head into a Panic Cycle in 2023 in central bank rates

Interest Rates & The Chaos Ahead

QUESTION: Marty, Your forecast for the Panic Cycle here in Australian politics was correct and it beat all the polls as you did in BREXIT. Our new leader is a full-on board with the WEF climate agenda and will have all cars electric by 2030. As you say, in war you take out the power […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Fed & Interest Rates – Up, Up & Away!

PRIVATE BLOG – Fed & Interest Rates – Up, Up & Away! Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

PRIVATE BLOG – Interest Rates into the Future

PRIVATE BLOG – Interest Rates into the Future Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

PRIVATE BLOG – The Fed, QE & Interest Rates – The Real Story

PRIVATE BLOG – The Fed, QE & Interest Rates – The Real Story Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

PRIVATE BLOG – US Interest Rates Rising on Schedule

PRIVATE BLOG – US Interest Rates Rising on Schedule Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Big Bang & Interest Rates

QUESTION: Interest on savings instruments (i.e. CD) for 1 yr terms is non-existent at <= 1.0%.  Why would interest rates increase in a digital currency system/world? IS ANSWER: The only reason rates would rise is by simultaneously converting the debt to perpetual. They have to end Keynesian Economics. They cannot raise rates as long as […]