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The Polluter Elites

The very people flying to Davos annually on their private jets are responsible for the majority of environmental pollution. The globalists are the “polluter elites” who want to implement prohibitions on consumption for the masses. The Guardian recently reported that the top 1% produce more carbon emissions than the poorest 66%. The climate change agenda […]

Austria Offers Free Transportation for Tattoos

Notice how all of the voluntary actions connected to the Great Reset include preying upon the young or desperate. These will be the first people to move into 15-minute cities and abide by tyrannical laws in exchange for government aid. They handed out free crypto in Africa in exchange for biometric data, for example. In […]

London’s DAILY Driving Tax

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has a firm grip on London. The WEF has warned us that they plan to ban private car ownership to save the world. All it takes is the stroke of a pen for these asinine ideas to become law. London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) law is not going as […]

Mercedes-Benz Disconnects from Russia

As my readers know, part of the Great Reset is to eliminate private car ownership under the premise of climate change. But technology has become a new tool that manufacturers and the global elite can use to limit the freedom of movement. German automaker Mercedes-Benz recently declared that Russians will be removed from their software. […]

Spain’s Climate Minister Caught Faking Bike Transit for Cameras

The above video is complete climate propaganda. The climate zealots are laughing at us from their private jets. They swear doomsday is around the corner and the commoners must abandon all basic comforts to save the world. Their predictions have never come to fruition because they are based on nonsense. Spanish climate minister Teresa Ribera […]

Property Taxes and Taxing You on Unrealized Gains

COMMENT: Hello Martin, they already “tax” the paper increase in property taxes. My tax bill went up 70% in the last two years. All I enjoy is an increases mortgage statement. I decided to fight it this time and from now on every year. After having looked into how they do come up with new assessments […]

Venice – The Longest Republic but it hard its Dark Side

COMMENT: Marty, Hope you’re doing well. I just returned from a trip to Venice, Italy, and a local tour guide informed me of the following about the Venetian Republic, some of which is similar and some of which is slightly different than what you’ve mentioned in the past: 1.  it was the longest-lasting republic in […]

Lower-Income Americans and Republicans Least Likely to Switch to EVs

I explained how the private sector does not wish to switch to EVs amid high production costs and low demand. A recent Gallup Poll found that Americans do not want to own an EV, and the plans to eliminate fossil fuels do not align with the wishes of the people. Around 7% of respondents, up […]

The Progress on National EV Charging Stations

Governments globally are in a rush to transition away from fossil fuels. The US government threw $7.5 billion at the fabricated problem in 2022 to build a network of  EV charging stations. The Infrastructure Law of November 2021 promised to build half a million charging stations throughout the nation by 2030. So, how is the […]

Schwab’s WEF Elimination of all Elections

  Klaus Schwab is, in my opinion, a very dangerous person. He thinks he is so smart that only he knows how the world should function – the typical academic self-grandization. Adding your 2-cents to a debate is one thing, but Klaus tries to control the debate. I have to hand it to him, he […]