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The Northern Border has been Breached

The focus has been on the mass influx of illegals from the open southern border. However, migrants have also found their way into the US by crossing the northern border from Canada. The US Border Patrol declared that more migrants have entered the US via Canada in the past 11 months than in the entire […]

Former NY Gov Predicts Mass Uprising Over Migrants

Ex-NY Gov. David Paterson (D) admitted that he sees revolt as the only solution to the migrant crisis. The Democrat and former governor said he does not understand the open border policy. “The federal government just decided they are sending the people in, and we should just be happy. I don’t know what it is […]

Homelessness in the US at All-Time High

The housing crisis has become a massive issue in America. People with decent jobs are unable to afford housing, and those who were already down and out have little chance of survival. Then we poured the migrant crisis on top of the fire and have created a situation that is turning America into a second-world […]

Governments Cheering Coronavirus to Push Agendas

COMMENT: Marty; You really do understand government. No sooner you posted how they will never let a crisis go to waste and the Democrats are using the coronavirus to advance their liberal agenda. They are using the virus to justify sanctuaries for illegal immigrants. Then they are using it to create a version of Medicare […]

California Economy Declining Significantly

California is the center of the far left which takes the position that even undocumented aliens can hold a position in government, they support sanctuary cities, and of course, they are the major movement in the New Green Deal initiative. Berkeley, California banned natural gas which is a clean fuel requiring homes to be powered […]

California Become 3rd Largest State with More People leaving than Migrating to the State

California has beaten Illinois for net outmigration from the state. California has become one state that there are more people trying to get out than moving into it. So while California wants to protect illegal aliens and fight with the Federal government over sanctuary cities contrary to the Constitutional Supremacy Clause, according to a November […]

The Trump Tax Reform & Housing Boom

COMMENT: Martin, It’s not just to make up for taxes lost because electric car use is up. Rockwall, Texas has become one of the highest income per capita counties in Texas because of flight from income taxes states, especially California. Real estate prices have exploded because of growing business presence in the Dallas/Ft. Worth and flight […]

Governor Jerry Brown of California Advocates the Overthrow of USA

Governor Jerry Brown of California is committing treason Against the United States. He is leading a confederacy against the Federal Government and should stand trial, but of course that would be controversial. After Trump rejected the Paris Climate treaty, which had never been ratified by the Senate, the European Union announced that it would work […]

Comments from San Francisco

COMMENT: Hi Marty, I am in San Francisco (though trying to move out)….and attended WEC Orlando. In reading the blog recently there is a lot of talk about Civil War and the US breaking up. I have to tell you that the election in San Francisco was pretty much devoid of Clinton or Trump signs anywhere. There […]

Biden’s Secret Flights Responsible for NYC’s Migrant Crisis

New York fell years ago. Their courts are the most corrupt in the nation, businesses have fled with their tax dollars, taxes continue to rise, housing is unaffordable, and crime is rampant. New York needs new leadership. Eric Adams continues to blame Republicans like Texas Governor Greg Abbott for the migrant crisis that has toppled […]