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Private Blog – Gold & the Slingshot

Private Blog Gold & the Slingshot

Slingshot v Phase Transition

QUESTION: You’ve just mentioned there remains a chance for gold to perform a slingshot move downward and then up in January. Does it still appear the Dow will slingshot (make a new low) also even though it has recently broken to new highs? S ANSWER: We achieved the slingshot in the S&P and the NASDAQ, and I have previously […]

Instructional Video: Slingshot Moves

Above is an instructional video example explaining slingshot moves and their timing For future reference, this video can be found under our “Models” section.  

Slingshot Move

  2016 Armstrong Economics ©

The Postponement – Slingshot Move

QUESTION: Marty, at the Conference you said we could conclude this in the first quarter if we get the alignment. It does not look like we will get the alignment since gold is up and the Dow is down. This is why you have been saying this looked like it was postponing into 2017? ANSWER: […]

Is a Slingshot Move Setting Up?

We have penetrated last year’s low in the cash S&P500, but not in the Dow yet. The Yearly Bearish does not come into play until we get to the bottom of the upward channel. Penetrating last year’s low is indeed setting the stage for the Slingshot. Everything on our models is clearly pointing to this […]

Slingshot vs. Phase Transition – WHEN?

QUESTION: Marty, Thank you for the WEC. The more I reflect on my notes the more I begin to understand you really opened my eyes to see the world much differently. So you said we would go down first and then flip. You also warned that it was not yet conclusive between the Sling Shot […]

U.S. Shares & Slingshot Move

The potential for a slingshot move has not been negated. To negate a slingshot, we need a daily closing in the Dow above 17735. If we have the slingshot and trap the majority, then we should see this rally fail and new lows by the first quarter. Can we merely go into a Phase Transition […]

Dow Jones – OMG – A Possible Sling-Shot Move?

  We closed right on our 17195 target and then the Dow closed above 17143 providing another buy signal yesterday and that warned of a move further to the upside. Especially when we fell right to the Bearish Reversal at 15960 and held. Exceeding Thursday’s high is a serious issue. We now must realize that […]

Gold – The Coming Slingshot Move

QUESTION: You were correct and gold collapsed into June when the gold promoters kept saying buy. Was the low in June sufficient for the major low? Do we still need to see $950? ANSWER: Markets must move to extremes on both sides to provide the ENERGY for the move in the opposite direction. The further […]