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Public v Private Interest Rates & Sovereign Debt Crisis

QUESTION: Dear Martin I have a question for the blog. There has been forecasts for a sovereign debt crisis but recently you have discussed how various governments may manipulate govt bond interest rates down as has happened in Europe and Japan. If Europe and Japan are anything to go by then this could go on […]

Can European Sovereign Debt Really Crash Without a Free Market?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, When the stock market crashed in 1929, followed by the bonds into 1933, we saw a minor bump in the stock market. As this occurred during a Public Wave, are u suggesting during our current Private Wave, we will see bonds collapse first 2020+, as capital flees into the stock market for […]

The Merkel & Macron Tag-Team – Surrender Sovereignty to Brussels

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Merkel has come out and said that “Nation states must today be prepared to give up their sovereignty.” This is what you have been saying that the agenda is to federalize Europe. Would you care to elaborate on her latest statement? Thank you from Berlin PH ANSWER: Merkel has stepped down as leader […]

The Sovereign Debt Crisis has Spread to 119 Countries

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; For the past two WEC events you have warned that the Sovereign Debt Crisis will strike first outside the USA and the rise in the dollar and US interest rates will push emerging markets into default. Since you also said that pension funds had rushed into emerging market debt to get higher […]

India Enters the Sovereign Debt Crisis

I have warned continually that the Sovereign Debt Crisis will unfold not so much by people selling government debt, but by the lack of people buying new debt. The greatest peril is when there is NO BID for the new issues because all governments are operating a PONZI scheme. They sell new debt to pay off maturing debt. […]

Norway – The Largest Sovereign Wealth Fund in the World

QUESTION: Martin, There are several news stories this past week reporting that Norway’s pension fund has reached $1 trillion dollars, or $190,000 per citizen. Are there some countries like Norway that will survive the coming pension crisis?   Thank You,   Alex   ANSWER: Not many. They are far and few between because Europe, Asia, […]

Is the Federal Government a Sovereign or a Corporation?

QUESTION:  Is it true that the Federal Government is nothing more than a corporation? I have read that the “organic act of 1871” replaced our government with a corporation. I have to believe that with your knowledge of history you are aware of this. Does that mean all laws passed since that time are nothing […]

Illinois – Poster Child for the Coming Sovereign Debt Crisis

Illinois House had voted 72-45 to pass a 32% income tax hike as government refuses to address the real issue of a never-ending need for more and more tax revenue to keep state employees rolling in their pensions. The governor vetoed the tax increase and he was overriden. There is absolutely no hope for Illinois. […]

Macron to Hand All Sovereignty to Brussels

Emmanuel Macron’s victory promises no change for Europe and it has been the blessing Brussels wanted so badly to further advance the federalization of Europe. Macron will surrender far more French sovereignty to Brussels than anyone suspects based upon reliable sources. Macron is a technocrat and the youngest President in France ever at 39. His message […]

Poland – The Next Crisis for the EU – Independent Sovereignty is the Issue

  Poland represents a major threat to the EU. The entire idea of the EU was the propaganda that Member States would successively grow into a real Union through a longer integration process. GDP was supposed to grow, not decline, and the threat of war would vanish by surrendering sovereignty to Brussels. In reality, the […]