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Trudeau Removing Attorney Client Privilege For Taxes

Trudeau is Klas Schwab’s pet. He does as he is told. No world leader has sought to destroy the attorney-client privilege, but Trudeau is hunting money for taxes and removing the confidentiality between Canadians and their lawyers. What is next? Priests must report every sin to Trudeau they hear in confession. Trudeau is now passing […]

Climate Change & Taxes

IRS SWAT Team – Hunt for Taxes

The story about what looked like a SWAT team was a swarm of armed IRS Agents that stormed into a business in Florida has gone viral. Many point to this as: See what happens when you give IRS agents lethal power! I think this needs clarification, and everyone knows I am opposed to arming IRS […]

How to Teach Your Kids About Taxes

COMMENT: Marty, you are 100% spot on about governments only ever being capable of lying and mismanaging money and raising taxes. The Australian Labor party that ran on a mandate to not change superannuation are now proposing to change superannuation. Their plan is the abolish tax benefits for accounts with balances above $3M, using the […]

World Bank: The Poor Will Suffer From Carbon Taxes

  The World Economic Forum is praising Denmark for implementing the world’s strictest carbon tax laws. Companies will soon be forced to pay $159 for every tonne of CO2 emitted, marking an additional $53 per tonne. The government claims this will cut CO2 levels by 3.7 million tonnes in just one year. “This incentivizes companies […]

Rhode Island Lawmakers Propose Doubling Taxes for Parents of Unvaccinated Children

Democrats in Rhode Island have prepared legislation that could double taxes for parents of unvaccinated children. Senator Sam Bell, who is championing the bill, claims that there is a need for a universal mandate. Under the proposed law, unvaccinated residents would face a $50 monthly fine for noncompliance. Employers would also be required to mandate […]

UAE to Introduce Corporate Taxes

Tax havens are in short supply. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) recently announced that it will implement a new federal corporate tax on business profits. Part of what attracted business to the UAE was its tax-free status and the move could hurt new money from migrating to the UAE. The new tax will go into […]

California’s Guaranteed Health Care for All to Increase Taxes by $12,250 per Household

California Governor Nuisance Newsom would like to pass Assembly Bill 1400, “Guaranteed Health Care for All,” as the nation’s first single-payer health care system. Unfortunately, this does not equate to free health care. The Tax Foundation estimates that this measure will increase taxes by $12,250 per household, doubling the state’s sky-high tax collections. The 2022-23 […]

Taxes & Hyperinflation

QUESTION: Marty, you have said that when the currency collapses, all tangible things become money in a barter sense. I believe you were talking about the collapse of hyperinflation in Germany. Has that been consistent throughout history? Thank you for a fantastic WEC PK ANSWER: Oh, absolutely. This is the standard reaction within society. You […]

Democrats Go Insane on Taxes NYC 61.5% is Your Tax Rate!

The Democrats are simply insane. Every study on taxation has shown that the lower the tax rates, the greater the economic growth. The Reagan tax cuts resulted in people paying more in taxes because they earned more. The new tax hiked will push NYC to 61.5%. Anyone who lives there has got to be insane […]