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PRIVATE BLOG – Biden & Yellen Out of Their Minds

PRIVATE BLOG – Biden & Yellen Out of Their Minds Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Yellen Direct IRS to Audit Everyone for $600 Transactions Anyway

I really do have to wonder if my dog is smarter than most Americans who seem to have just lost their minds. My dog makes connections, anticipates what I will do, and studies my habits to predict and respond. I never knew a dog was really smart. She has learned numerous words and I have […]

A Joint Statement from Powell and Yellen

Yellen & Inflation

  QUESTION: Marty; I have been a follower for years. Your model has correctly forecasted every major trend from civil unrest to disease. But your forecast that this wave would be commodity inflation based on shortages years in advance, proves that you deserve the Noble Prize. Absolutely no analyst did that although many now pretend […]

Southwest Airlines Backs Dow And Yellen Forced to Back Down

I have direct contact with many pilots at Southwest and they were reporting that weather had nothing to do with the 1,000 flights that were canceled. Now, the airline was forced to back down and unvaccinated employees can remain. Pilots have been concerned that those who were vaccinated developed blood clots and could no longer […]

Yellen on Tracking Every Transaction $600 or Greater

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is now defending the Biden administration’s proposal that would require banks to report ALL data to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on transactions over $600. With the NSA collecting every email, phone call, and text you make, and now the IRS will have every time you even pay rent or a […]

Yellen Refuses to Answer on Deficit Spending

    Whatever respect I once had for Yellen after her warnings to Draghi has been wiped out. Now that Janet Yellen is in the White House, she has shown that she is no longer trustworthy and has abandoned all integrity for a political game. All the Democrats have to do is reduce the spending […]

Yellen Reveals She Also Does Not Understand What it all Crashed in 2007-2010

The head of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, has warned politicians against turning back financial market regulation, yet she herself does not comprehend what the regulation truly accomplished. She has warned that any adjustments to the framework should be discreet. The Jackson Hole gathering turned out to be financially tense. Yellen admonished politicians stating bluntly that […]

Yellen Says Interest Rates Will Go Higher

Janet Yellen’s remarks today confused the people who think the world turns on the Jobs numbers since they remain clueless with respect to the changing trend in employment. They do not take into consideration the technology shift, so they are still trying to trade from 20th-century concepts. Yellen gave an outlook of the U.S. economy […]

BREXIT v Yellen

  The debate shifted following the Jobs Report, and people now assume that the Fed will not raise rates. Hence, we have a bounce in gold and the euro. That makes no fundamental sense regarding gold since higher rates indicate inflation and lower rates warn of deflation. The real confusion has been that most only focus […]