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Market Talk – October 2, 2019

ASIA: Fresh protests have broken out in Hong Kong as anger mounts over police shooting a teenage protester and later defending it as “lawful and reasonable.” Meanwhile, China has criticized the US, UK, and the EU for siding with the “mob” and underplaying the violence of the protestors against the police. The Philippine foreign secretary […]

Our Risk Assessment Meter is Now on Orange Alert

There is a clear rising risk factor emerging from both politics and geopolitics as we move into the January turning point on the Economic Confidence Model. As the economy turns down and as we head into the 2020 presidential elections in the United States, we are facing rising risk factors on many fronts. The Democrats […]

Market Talk – September 25, 2019

ASIA: Regarding the US-China trade deal, Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo today. Mr. Wang Yi expressed that China had no intentions of removing the US from the world leader status. However, he stressed that the US must “remove all unreasonable restrictions” with regards to the trade deal. He […]

Will the Democrats Self-Destruct?

QUESTION: What did you think of the Democratic debate. It looks like they are just preoccupied with hating Trump they have lost touch with reality. You previously said that the Democrats could collapse as a party after 2020. Does that seem likely? PH ANSWER: I know the press is spinning this that Trump will surely […]

Washington Post Praying for a Recession to Defeat Trump

It has become obvious that the mainstream press is FAKE NEWS. They are indeed out to get Trump and are using their position to desperately try to support the bureaucracy. The Washington Post has run a story stating Trump is wrong about the strength of the US economy. They claim his own advisors are warning […]

Democrats – Are They Self-Destructing?

The Democratic presidential debate in Detroit on Tuesday exposed the battle over the direction of the Democratic Party and its strategy to win back the White House in 2020. The former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper warned that Medicare-for-All and the Green New Deal proposals will lead to a “disaster at the ballot box.” Bernie Sanders […]

Market Talk – June 24, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: The Chinese foreign minister has stated that they will “not allow” the G20 to discuss matters regarding Hong Kong. Recently, Hong Kong overruled a previous ruling that allowed Chinese extradition. Over the weekend, Chinese Vice Commerce Minister Wang Shouwen requested that the U.S. stop their inappropriate tariffs and actions against Chinese companies. […]

Where Are We in the Roman Timeline?

QUESTION: Martin, Compared to Roman timeline, what year would you say we are in 2019? M ANSWER: It is hard to say. My concern is what comes after Trump. We seem to be between the peak, which was during 180 AD and the dawn of Maximinus I (235-238 AD) who declared that all wealth simply […]

Market Talk – April 18, 2019

Asia: Amazon announced they will shut down its China marketplace business, effectively ceding the market to Alibaba and The business will wind down in July, giving ample time for sellers using the services to transfer to other providers. Amazon does plan to continue to support “cross-border” business – that is, importing goods into China […]

Market Talk – April 17, 2019

Asia: China’s GDP rose 6.4% in the first quarter, outperforming many of analysts’ expectations. Some see this as a promising sign for China as last year the GDP decelerated every quarter. Prime Minister Mahathir of Malaysia has approved a “mega link” project that connects both sides of Malaysia, spanning up toward Thailand, as part of […]