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The Basics of Trading

The most fundamental truth about trading is that your opponent is YOURSELF. The majority must be wrong because they are the fuel that propels the market. The market enters a flash-type crash when the vast majority is LONG, and they try to sell, but there is no bid. Far too many people demonize trading such […]

The Theory of Non-Linear Intervention

Economics is well known for rather unrealistic theories based upon fundamentally unsound principles, such as the assumption that all things remain equal. Reality parts with academics whenever such assumptions are drawn to a foregone conclusion. However, greater false assumptions, which go unnoticed, lie at the foundation of so many theories in economics – primarily the […]

My Forecast from 10 Years Ago

In an interview on May 11, 2014, I explained on USAWatchdog that confidence always outweighs reality. “It’s basically what you believe. There have been all sorts of studies on fundamentals that say if interest rates go up, stocks go down.  It is simply not true.  The stock market has never peaked with interest rates twice in history.  […]

Correlations Explained

It is crucial to understand correlations as EVERYTHING fluctuates! There is absolutely nothing that remains constant. You MUST understand that correlations are NOT one for one, and often show changes in advance of turns. It is a lot to keep track of but this is why I try to post a global view to help you see the world […]

House Democrats Pushing to Permit Migrants to Vote

I’m posting this so there’s no confusion about what democrats had planned all along for the upcoming election. — sandy (@3Sandy7_) May 9, 2024 A few votes could change the course of history. The Equal Representation Act questions whether illegal migrants should appear on the next US census in 2030, effectively granting them representation. […]

Why Trump Can Only be Put on Trial by Congress – Not the Department of Justice

QUESTION: I would love to hear your legal comments on Trump’s immunity claim. EP ANSWER: I would approach this from a geopolitical and practical manner. Trump MUST be completely immune from bringing any criminal or civil charges against him by the government when he is President – yes, even if he killed someone and shot […]

COVID was a Tactic for Control & to Further Climate Change

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I haven’t bothered you with any questions for a long time, but if you could find time to express your opinion on this matter, it would be very valuable not only for me, but also for the readers of your blog. While we are currently in the initial stage of the War […]

Lower-Income Americans and Republicans Least Likely to Switch to EVs

I explained how the private sector does not wish to switch to EVs amid high production costs and low demand. A recent Gallup Poll found that Americans do not want to own an EV, and the plans to eliminate fossil fuels do not align with the wishes of the people. Around 7% of respondents, up […]

EU Court Rules that Women are Disproportionately Harmed by Climate Change   

Over 2,000 women from Switzerland filed a case through the European Court of Human Rights after claiming that a lack of climate change regulations has disproportionately harmed their gender.  This is the third climate-related case brought to the high court. Six young women from Portugal sued for similar reasons, as did a former mayor in […]

Guaranteed Basic Income Pilot Program for Transexuals

San Francisco is launching a guaranteed basic income pilot program for transexuals. These individuals are capable of working, but the woke government believes that others should provide them with free money for simply existing. San Francisco’s Guaranteed Income for Trans People (GIFT) program will provide 55 individuals a monthly payment of $1,200 for simply being […]