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Tapes Leaked showing Biden did What They Tried to Impeach Trump On Leaked phone calls between Joe Biden and former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko explicitly detail the quid-pro-quo arrangement to fire former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Victor Shokin – who Poroshenko admits did nothing wrong – in exchange for $1 billion in US loan guarantees (which Biden bragged about in January 2018). The calls were leaked by […]

Trump Warns of Permanent Cut-Off of Funds for the WHO

COMMENT: Marty, Trump is now adopting your strategy and publishing openly his letters to the WHO. DH REPLY: Yes, it forced the WHO to come out and say they will seek an independent review when time permits. I strongly recommend that ALL countries cut off the WHO from all funding. They do whatever Bill Gates […]

Trump on Obama Investigation


Obama v Trump in 2020

Joe Biden appears to be the most incompetent person to ever run for government perhaps in American history. Proof of this is that Biden is actually taking a back seat in this race for the White House in 2020. He is being pushed aside by former President Barack Obama who has returned to politics with […]

Is Trump Mobilizing Military for Vaccines?

Trump has come out and said he will mobilize the military to administer vaccines by the end of the year when they are ready. Many see this as a betrayal of everything he has been fighting against. I have advised many, many governments in times of crisis. What Trump has done is actually necessary. The […]

Trump v Gates – Is Gates Winning to Overthrow Trump?

  This COVID-19 has undermined the economy in a way where we will not return back to normalcy. The Washington Post and the New York Times just take the opposite view of whatever Trump does without any consideration of what they are reporting. The Washington Post has targeted Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia, calling his […]

Please Forward the Letter to Trump to All Politicians Around the World ASAP

DOWNLOAD: President Donald Trump Letter- April 21-rv  

Trump Should Appoint A Special Prosecutor to Investgate Bill Gates

A petition to the White House calling for an investigation into Bill & Melinda Gate Foundation is absolutely NECESSARY!!!! Gates has taken a high profile on this demanding we remain locked down until everyone is vaccinated as he said on German TV. Even the CDC admits that the flu vaccine is at best 60% effective. […]

Trump Blaming China Without Investigating the West?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you disagree with Trump blaming China for this virus leaking from their lab? HB ANSWER: I do not care if it was a mistaken leak from China’s lab or it was sent here by aliens intending to invade the planet. The source is irrelevant. There are also conspiracy theories that it […]

Trump Opening America Again

  President Trump played a very smart move against the FAKE NEWS contingent. He outlined broad new federal guidelines for opening up the country that will put the onus on governors to decide how to restart the economies in their states amid mounting fallout from the coronavirus outbreak. The federal guidance doesn’t set a specific […]