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Ukraine Releases Evidence that Incriminates Biden but Who Cares?  

Ukraine & the Obama/Biden Grip on Corruption that Was a Silent Counter-Revolution

QUESTION: Hi Mr Armstrong, I so much appreciate your lifetime of work and dedication to the Truth. I really appreciate so much your history lessons and deep connected objective lessons into the cumulative interconnecting web of this world we live in. I ask a large favor . Could you explain some Ukrainian History and in […]

Ukraine & 911

QUESTION: I have the deepest and highest respect for your work and your sources.If it was not the CIA orchestrating the Ukraine events who could all the Billions Obama and Nuland spent there have been going to and being used for??Nuland stating USA behind regime change on camera. Chevron Oil sign indicative? UD ANSWER: The […]

Ukraine & the Next Revolution

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I want to thank you for defending the Ukrainian people in their quest to overthrow the government corruption. You are a great inspiration here in Kiev. What does your model show for the success of our revolution looking ahead? PN ANSWER:  There are many in the West who know nothing of Ukraine […]

EU May Drop Visa Requirement for Ukraine

The ongoing dramatic events in Ukraine have demonstrated, once again, the high commitment of Maidan protesters and the citizens of Ukraine to become more closely integrated with the European Union. Ukraine now faces immense challenges in terms of democratic transition. Territorial integrity and constitutional stability are major issues on the table in Ukraine. While USA […]

Symmetry Ukraine and Vladimir regarding Russia

We are reminded from a Russian reader regarding symmetry that the founder of Russia was Vladimir Sviatoslavich the Great (c. 958 – 15 July 1015) and hence today we have Vladimir Putin. The symmetry is even a bit deeper than just that the first names match. Vladimir Sviatoslavich the Great prince of Novgorod, grand prince of Kiev, and ruler of Kievan Rus’ […]

The Minsk Agreement on Ukraine – Putin’s Victory

In the Belarusian capital Minsk representatives of Ukraine, Russia and the rebels from the Donbass signed a 13-point agreement on a ceasefire and other measures to resolve the conflict in Ukraine under OSCE supervision. The essence of the plan is to take account of the self-determination of peoples, which is the reason for the conflict: […]

Ukraine should have Been Divided

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I initially disagreed with you that Ukraine should be divided. I lived in Donetsk. I have fled to the West taking my family to safety. Those of us who were pro-Ukrainian were the minority. More than 6,000 people have died trying to hold this country together. I concede, sir, you were correct […]

Eastern Ukraine to Fall to Russia? Sanctions Failed

The attempt to isolate Putin from the world club has failed. With oil prices collapsing, Putin must sure up domestic support and now needs a victory. He can easily blame the economic decline at home on the West’s sanctions. That was handed to him on a gold platter. Had the West not tried to sanction […]

Russia Building up Troops Inside and on the Border of Ukraine

Since the Western Leaders snubbed Putin, NATO has seen on Tuesday a serious Russian military buildup both inside Ukraine and on the Russian side of the border. NATO has come out and urged Moscow to pull back its troops. Putin has now been force into a confrontation but a bunch or really stupid lawyer masquerading as […]