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The Liquidity Crisis

The Liquidity Crisis
Over the past conferences, we have warned that we will be moving into a liquidity
crisis, for the amount of capital invested in global bonds often reaches 10:1 relative to
equities. While people constantly point to the dollar and it just has to collapse, they
remain obvious to the international crisis at hand. Global debt has reached $226 trillion,
with federal sovereign debt coming in at about $60 trillion. The US Treasury market is
about $24 trillion. The crisis in the bond market in the UK is just the tip of the iceberg.
With the rise of uncertainly and our insane leaders pushing for World War III to destroy
Russia for Climate Change since 50% of the GDP is energy production, the smart
money is starting to run away from the long-term, and in the process, we will see as a
byproduct of this Liquidity Crisis, rising volatility and a very dark financial future for the
bond markets

2021 WEC Day 1 Introduction – Pawn of Finance

This is an abridged version of the full-length 2021 World Economic Conference VOD highlighting the event's opening session.

The Monetary Crisis Cycle has arrived. We are now facing the risk of BOTH deflation and inflation SIMULTANEOUSLY, Food Shortages, Climate Change, Energy Crisis, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Knowing what's coming is critical.

The Great Reset

This report goes into great detail about a well funded & well-organized coalition to not just impose vaccines and depopulate the world, which may even be a ploy knowing they will not vaccinate China or Russia, but to actually destroy the world economy to end fossil fuels and impose by bribery and collusion their vision of how the world should function to stop Climate Change and impose by decree ZERO CO2.

We are facing massive unemployment as they wipe out industry and continue to try to keep people locked down to reduce CO2. For two months, Britain needed less electricity and they shut down coal plants. There is a fleet of cars that remain unsold and even Hertz was forced into bankruptcy. They have shut down tourism and Southern Europe will not survive without massive bailouts blowing the entire debt situation to insanity.

There are even two types of vaccines they have been developing. The first is the standard where they inject you with a portion of the virus. But Gates has also funded vaccines that operate totally differently. They are targeting your genetic DNA to alter it under the pretense it will prevent COVOD-19.

Most people do not realize that former Chancellor  Helmut Kohl of Germany who admitted he acted like a dictator to create the Euro denying the German people any right to vote on the question, was caught in 2000 with massive bribes he had taken and the CDU even distanced itself from him. When he died, there were accounts in Switzerland with millions of undisclosed and cash transactions in parking lots. All of this corruption created the Euro outside any democratic process. This is the very same strategy being employed and politicians embrace this agenda against the people and many will be shown to have also taken bribes.

This report dives into every aspect and documents their agenda from calling for a 400% increase in taxation and providing Guaranteed Basic Income for those they put out of work to stay home and just watch TV on a minimal subsistence.

Welcome to the New Green Socialist World Order they're strategically marketing as the Great Reset. This is probably the most outrageous political strategy every devised to deliberate defraud everyone of any human rights that will only exist at their pleasure. There has been no greater diabolical pilot perhaps in human history.


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Coronavirus & Socialist Revolution

This report goes into the logistics about this Coronavirus Pandemic and moves into the dangers it presents economically as well as the crisis we face in famine. These people think that they can simply crash the economy and rebuilt it from scratch as if that is a simple task. They risk creating a major economic depression that we will not be able to escape for 13 years. At the very least, we are looking at a very strange set of circumstances that are coming together.

This report debunks the the claims of the virus and illustrates the end goal remains the same with the Climate Change agenda. We have published also the WHO report from 2019 which concluded that Social Distancing was ineffective. So why impose something they know did not work shutting down the world economy on a theory with no historical support? We have also included the differences between a epidemic and a pandemic including the inevitable second wave as with the Spanish flu they will use to try to influence the elections come November.

Nevertheless, they have indeed set in motion the danger of a Dark Age for this report goes into detail the historical Reoccurrence of the Sixth Wave when civilization collapses. We have published for the first time the 309.6 year Sixth Wave sequence back to 4154BC to get a sense how civilization has dealt with such events throughout time.

This report dives into the historical risk of famine which has also been put in motion by the lockdowns and it deals with the New Green World Order.


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Again, this report is digital -- a hard copy of the report will not be sent with this purchase. Also, given the digital nature of these reports, refunds are not offered. Please consider this before you place your purchase.

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