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Shmita cycle & Big Bang

QUESTION: Thank you for the research and insightful posts you share with us each and every day. Question: Since you are keen of market cycles, I wanted to get your take on the 7-year Shmita cycle and the 49-year Jubilee cycle that arises from the 7-year Shmita cycle. As you know, Shmita means ‘shaking’ or […]

Short-Term Sun Cycles May Be A Pi Frequency

Closer studies of the sun have revealed that there are short-term seasonal cycles with an average of about 330 days. We are applying for the data to run it through our computer models which are the best at identifying frequencies on a highly complex plane. My bet, this will work out far more precisely to […]

Energy Models & The Generational Cycle Shift

QUESTION: Marty; I was at the second 1987 WEC Conference in Princeton. I remember asking you about gold and you said it would decline for 19 years into 1999 and then start to invert in preparation for Big Bang. I have never known you to be wrong yet. You clearly said gold peaked and would […]

Cycles Inspiring Music

Hi Mr. Armstrong. My name is Azar and I much appreciate your insight on your blogs especially for the concept of combining history with the cyclical nature of phenomenon. … We have recently coincidentally revived a song made a video that captures the cyclical nature of empires along with the arrogance that they take on, […]

The Political Cycle of Russia

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have perhaps the most educational site on the web for those of us trying to figure out the economy. I appreciate your unbiased perspective and your view of how it has always been the government against the people. You are the only person in the West who has ever bothered to […]

Real Estate & The Business Cycle

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I live here in Fairfax County, VA. Wow! The government largesse almost feels like 2006 again. Real estate values have almost climbed back to 2005 levels. I cannot believe that people here are paying 600k for 15-year-old townhomes under high tension wires. I guess it is the low interest rates. Those units can […]

Gold Made it Cycle Inversion – It is What it Is

QUESTION: I do not know what is the accuracy of your model for the long term. If I’m correct, your model functions “like” the weather forecasting models, every new information is integrated to refine the results. My question is, it is possible that the real move for gold only became possible in 2017? If the value […]

The 224-Year Cycle of Political Change Report

The year 2013 was a highly important turning point for the future of the United States. Edward Snowden’s exposure of the NSA’s spying has revealed that the United States is no different from some of the most notorious governments in history. The entire debt ceiling crisis has also led to a profound realization behind the curtain that the United States lost its sovereignty because of its excessive indebtedness. It cannot even wage war without the approval of its creditors – China and Russia.

This incredible special report on the “224-Year Cycle of Political Change” covers USA, China, and Russia. However, the sheer scope of tracing this cycle back through the centuries to illustrate how it has correlated to the rise and fall of empires, nations, and city-states, will open your eyes to the realization that there is indeed a time and place for everything.


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Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis 90 Minute DVD

This DVD is a 90 minute version of the 2014 Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference with Martin Armstrong. At this conference, Martin discusses the current Cycle of War and its impact on market trends as we move forward. Topics range from government spending, the gold outlook, to conflicts in the Ukraine. This […]

Fighting the Business Cycle – Longest War in History

The one war that never ends is how people constantly try to fight the trend. The ECB will buy bad government debt they created instead of doing what was necessary from the start – consolidate all state debt. That would have enabled the Euro to be a viable currency creating a reserve base that does […]