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Can the Stocks & Bonds Crash & Only Gold Rises?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I use to listen to the Goldbug analysts but they never change. Now the pitch is you have to protect your wealth from stock and bond market crash. They say that with the current equity bull market among the longest on record and the beginning of a bond bear market, once again they […]

Private Blog – Gold & the $1,000 Level

  Private Blog – Gold & the $1,000 Level

The 2017 Closing US$ – Gold – Dow

The Dow failed to OPEN above the 2017 Intraday high so we are not yet ready for prime time. This is still a 0ff-Broadway play, but we are getting closer. The dollar still finished neutral so it too is not yet ready for its move higher. Gold closed in a positive position for the end of 2017 […]

Gold in 2018 – Are We Ready Now?

Private Blog – Gold in 2018 – Are We Ready Now?

The 2018 Gold Report

QUESTION: Should I just give up an sell all my gold and just buy stocks after the Senate passed tax reform? ANSWER: Gold has its time and place. The 2018 Gold Report will also cover cryptocurrency since many of the goldbugs abandoned gold for Bitcoin.  Will BitCoin peak with a low in gold? We will issue […]

Lithium – the new White Gold

Lithium is known as “white gold” since electric cars require a lot of batteries. This has resulted in transforming the metal into a valuable and sought-after commodity. The demand keeps rising as there is a need for energy storage that can only be produced if lithium is available in sufficient quantities. The price has soared from $1,550 […]

China Open Gold Trade in Yuan as Proxy for the Yuan

China keeps moving gradually to open up their economy to international forces. The People’s Republic of China has expanded the trade in gold in yuan and thus the internationalization of the national currency is moving closer. Gold merchants from the industrial metropolis of Shenzhen have been trading their yuan gold at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange […]

Gold Better in Euros than Dollars?

QUESTION: G’day guys. Thanks for a great seminar in Hong Kong! I’m reading through your 1 world currency report and find it very interesting, going back to primary school teachings about barter systems and some funny monetary acceptances that have been in place many years ago. Like 14.5 kg copper plates as a currency only back […]

Diamonds replacing Gold?

  There has been an effort to use diamonds in place of gold since you can travel with them without setting off metal detectors. But the real problem has been the untrained eye can easily be fooled. The Singapore Diamond Investment Exchange (SDiX), has launched a new product they hope to compete with gold. Perhaps this […]

Gold – Dollar -Trade Deficits All Mixed Up

COMMENT: Marty; I get these emails about gold and have to wonder how people can keep preaching the same thing for decades and never be correct once. Now they say in a very simplistic manner the politicians argued that endless trade deficits were immaterial because U.S. exceptionalism allowed America to do what it wanted. If foreign […]