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Eurozone Inflation and ECB Incompetence

According to Eurostat, the European Union statistics company, inflation in Europe rose to a new all-time high in March after advancing by 7.5%. This surpassed the high of 5.9% set in February and marks the fifth consecutive month of inflation in the Eurozone. Europe’s reliance on Russian energy has resulted in a 44.7% uptick in […]

Biden – Inflation – Risk to National Security

QUESTION: Hi Martin, What do you think banks will do with mortgages if we continue experiencing high inflation and/or hyperinflation? Do you think we might be able to pay off a mortgage with gold if things get bad enough? Marc ANSWER: No! The contract is in dollars and that cannot be altered. There won’t be […]

White House Ignores Inflation

No one expected the recent 25-basis point rise in rates to curb inflation in a meaningful way. There are numerous variables contributing to this situation that are simply out of the Fed’s control at this point. The personal consumption expenditure price index (PCE) rose 5.4% in March on an annual basis. That is the most […]

Biden Needs to Be Impeached for Violating the Constitution Impacting the World

The Constitution’s Article I, Section 8 specifically lists as a power of Congress – the power “to declare War,” which unquestionably gives the legislature the power to initiate hostilities. The extent to which this clause limits the President’s ability to use any force without Congress’s affirmative approval remains highly contested. Can the president order a […]

It’s Not Just Energy – It’s Also Metals

The outrageous sanctions imposed by Biden on Russia has undermined the entire world economy. Sanctions have never worked and this time they were designed to try to hurt the Russian people so profoundly that they would overthrow Putin – regime change. The Ukrainians are even naming Alexander Bortnikov, the Russian Director of the Federal Security […]

Neocon Plot to Overthrow Putin & Xi

This war has really nothing to do with Ukraine for this country has been used as cannon fodder to overthrow Putin – the second target in this New World Order. The first was the removal of Trump and the last will be the removal of Xi Jinping. This is a major effort to cause regime […]

Ukraine Adopts WEF Proposals

Zelensky has just signed into law the first steps of Schwab’s Great Reset. He announced he is introducing a Social Credit Application combining Universal Basic Income (UBI), a Digital Identity & a Vaccine Passport all within their Diia app. He also says that because so much money is coming into Ukraine as he has become […]

NATO Calls up Hundreds of Thousands of Troops Ready to Begin WWIII

The pressure to start World War III is on. NATO now expects that there will be a major war with Russia and the confrontation may come even in a few weeks. The NATO Secretary-General announced an increased war alert for hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Stoltenberg issued a joint statement with US Secretary of Defense […]

The Insanity of the Biden Administration – Decline & Fall of the West

The Biden Administration has been fully subordinated to the Great Reset. It is highly debatable if Joe is really doing anything. During an international crisis, he still takes off weekends and heads to Delaware. Gee, perhaps I should run for President and get weekends off instead of having to work 7 days a week during […]

New Interview: Insane Globalists Collapsing World Economy

  Click here to watch Martin Armstrong’s latest interview with Greg Hunter from USAWatchdog. A message from Greg Hunter: In his interview just two weeks ago, legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said, The New World Order’s so-called ‘Great Reset’ plan for humanity is ‘falling apart,’ and pointed out, “They are basically […]