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Does Davos Always Get it Wrong?

  QUESTION: Summers has also come out and expressed that whatever forecast comes out of Davos is wrong. How can there be this conspiracy that the elite are in control of anything when they always do get it wrong? DV ANSWER: The majority is always wrong because they tend to talk among themselves and reaffirm […]

Can Interest Rates Rise when Central Banks are the Only Market Maker?

  QUESTION: How can interest rates can rise when central banks are the only market maker, & pension funds FORCED to buy gov.debt by their statutes? but why is the REPO crisis starting in the US where rates are WAY higher than in japan & Europe? you would expect this crisis to start somewhere in […]

The Economic Confidence Model & the Shift in Trend

While we took the back cover of the Economist for 3 weeks during July 1985 to announce the beginning of the Private Wave stating that the dollar had peaked (followed by the Plaza Accord 6 weeks later), the ECM has been remarked on around the world for its turning points. Money Week even got the […]

Do Lower Interest Rates Really Produce Bull Markets in Stocks?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Yes, the political situation in our country is out of control and you are right, there is no turning back. But this truly pales in comparison to what is happening in the financial markets today. It looks to me like the Fed has aided and abetted this ridiculous surge in stock prices. […]

The Future & Analysis

QUESTION:  Hello Mr. Armstrong, I just saw your interview on BNN, too bad you only had about 7 minutes to explain something that big, guess that’s the Limitation of TV Media I’m glad I bought the Repo Crisis Report. You would not have such limitations on your own platform like youtube. Can you see yourself […]

Banks – Interest Rates – Mortgages

COMMENT: Martin, as an avid follower, I took your advice to heart to try to fix our interest rate for the loan we have on our house. This was the answer I got from our direct advisor: “Have looked at your file, you can still enjoy your low-interest rate until 01/12/2020, in other words refinancing […]

Gold, War, & the ECM

QUESTION: Marty, Do you think it will be time to short the bonds with the ECM? Gold had bounced off the Downtrend line instead of electing the bearish reversals and it rallied after the Pi turning point. You said if gold peaked with the bottom of the ECM it could then fall back to retest […]

The Reality of Crises

QUESTION: Martin- I am a recent new member and just finished reading the REPO Crisis Report. As an individual, not an institution, it was a steep price but well worth it. Thank you. My question is this…..what the hell does everyone expect to happen? Here is a short list of everything we know to be […]

Trump & Fed Meet – Why?

The unannounced meeting between the Fed and Trump was a briefing on the Repo Crisis BECAUSE the real crisis cannot be discussed publicly. I have not been getting much sleep lately. This is a very serious crisis and all the BS on TV of these pretend analysts giving their two cents is really amazing. They […]

Why the Fed Is Not Lowering Rates

  COMMENT: Thanks so much for your explanation of the Repo Crisis which is now self-evident that the Fed has reversed course and did not cut rates. You are always on the cutting edge and your contacts are revealed in your analysis. PV REPLY: The central bank has been in control of short-term rates, not […]