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The Left is Moving to Rig All Elections Everywhere

The LEFT is now totally out of control. Fearing that they may lose against Trump and that their BS charges are so obviously political, they are now looking to charge Trump with inside trading to make him a normal type of criminal, even though this is still all politically motivated. In London, they have closed […]

Fingerprint Cards AB – One BIG Step Closer to Digital IDs

The World Economic Forum (WEF) quietly partnered with Fingerprint Cards AB, the world’s leading biometrics company. The WEF has been discussing combining biometric data with financial services since at least 2016. Fingerprint Cards AB, based in Sweden, specializes in digital security and aims to make humans “the key to everything.” The company has installed programs […]

Russian Coup & Civil War

COMMENT: Marty, Socrates has simply outdone itself. You warned that Putin could face a coup by May/June 2023. That was a year ago. Nobody can beat Socrates, as you said at the WEC, not even you. Your gift to humanity is why they hate you so much. Take care, my friend. We really do need […]

Neocons Pushing for Nuclear War NOW!

    The most notorious Washington Neocon, Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC), and his equal Neocon on the Democratic side, Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), have introduced a Resolution in the Senate in hopes of justifying World War III stating that if Russia, or one of its Proxy Belarus just as Ukraine is our Proxy, detonates a Tactical […]

The US Govt Seizing Farmland under Eminent Domain

The US government is seizing farmland in South Dakota and no one is discussing it. Summit Carbon Solutions is building a pipeline through northeast South Dakota beneath private property and has the full support of the US government. Private citizens are being targeted, and this is all technically legal under eminent domain laws. Republican Governor […]

Sign of the Times

The picture of our times is without question quite depressing certainly on a moral foundation if not on the material side as well. Our government has been seized by the Neocons who care nothing about the welfare of the state, only to bring death and destruction to their personal hated enemies. Every line that we […]

The Most Expensive Climate Initiative in US History

  Five years ago today, Greta’s handlers announced that the world would end on this precise date. All of humanity would be wiped out entirely. Yet, here we are. Climate change has become the ultimate tool for governments to funnel money. Biden announced on Monday that the US will spend nearly $600 million on climate […]

Putin’s Comments on Nuclear Weapons

I have listened to so many Western commentators who all downplay Putin at every stage in this insane game.  Putin is well aware that this is NOT a war between Russia and Ukraine, this is a war between the USA and NATO using Ukraine and Europe as its cannon fodder. The United States has been […]

The African Peace Plan is Doomed

The neocons are the only ones thirsting for a world war. Putin has been pleading for peace or any form of conflict resolution. South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa has been discussing a plan to broker peace between Russia and Ukraine and has called on China’s Xi Jinping for support. The details of the African Peace […]

Putin Pleas for Peace

The vilification of Putin has been extremely successful, so much so that no one is listening to his words. The Russian leader recently spoke of conflict resolution. That is not something a warmonger hellbent on conquering nations would discuss. And yet, Putin seems to be the only world leader discussing the potential of resolving the […]