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Neocons for Harris

  All the Neocons in Washington have come out to offer their support to Kamala Harris even that means breaking party lines. We must understand that the establishment is actively preventing Donald Trump from re-election primarily because he has promised to end the war against Russia. Liz Cheney once called Kamala Harris a “radical liberal” […]

Trudeau: Let Them Eat Donuts

  I commend the restraint displayed by this Canadian citizen. Failed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attempted to campaign to workers in Ontario who were utterly underwhelmed by his presence. Trudeau praised the 25% tariffs he placed on Chinese steel. “So that’s going to help me keep my job?” the citizen remarked. No, tariffs NEVER […]

California Offers Free Housing to Migrants

The US government highly favors migrants over citizens. California’s Senate passed a bill that will permit illegal migrants to secure housing loans at 0% interest with a 0% downpayment. They will receive grants of up to $150,000 to use toward the home. California citizens are handing these people free healthcare, debit cards, phones, and now […]

Kamala Supports Trump Wall

Dreamers should not be pitted against their families or traded away like some commodity in exchange for a un-American, $25 billion wall. — Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) February 26, 2018 We all recall when the Democrats tried to drag former President Trump for suggesting a wall for the Southern border. He asked for $25 billion to […]

The Truth About The Democrat’s $5 Trillion Tax Increase

The Democrats support always raising taxes that amount to robbing people with laws. They NEVER learn that Marxism has failed EVERY single time it has been tried. They do not give a damn about our country, our future, or retaining our culture. They are outright liars when it comes to claiming it is misinformation that […]

RFK Endorses Trump & Will Join His Cabinet

  COMMENT: Congratulations. You are the only one who has been pushing this for months. What position will he take in Trump’s Cabinet? FK ANSWER: I want to thank everyone for all of their support. I may have been the first behind this issue. But this is not merely because I said so. RFK was […]

Who Was the Real Inspiration to the American Revolution? Are We Doomed to Repeat History?

I recently watched an excellent series on the History Channel, Sons of Liberty. The series starts only in 1765 and thus omits the start of the civil unrest in Boston. It needs a person to follow, so they start with Samuel Adams (1722 – 1803), a colonist who became incensed by the British Crown’s abuse […]

Goodbye California and New York – Wealth Exodus Continues

The exodus from blue states has not waned since the pandemic. Americans are seeking lower taxes, crime, and tyranny as half of our nation descends into utter chaos. A recent poll by SmartAsset found that Americans earning $200,000 or more have been the most eager to flee states like New York and California. California and […]

Kamala’s Economic Plan Will Destroy the US Economy & Lead to Food Shortages

  Kamala Harris’ father was basically a radial communist. She is not far from her father’s ideas, any more than Bill Gates is different from his father’s fears of population when he created Planned Parenthood and stuck them in minority areas to reduce the population of blacks. No matter how many times Socialism has been […]

Massive Personal Data Breach Revealed

A hacker group called USDoD successfully broke into the records from the National Public Data system and stole EVERY social security number. The media first reported that 2.7 billion records, including physical addresses, were stolen but now intelligence agencies believe that government data on every resident of the US, Canada, and the UK were confiscated […]