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Market Talk – July 1, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: President Trump applauded Prime Minister Abe of Japan saying how excellent the G20 meeting was and mentioning that no mistakes were made. During the weekend he and President Xi met and have agreed to resume negotiations with no further tariffs applied – calling the progress of the talks as “fairly advanced.” This […]

Market Talk – June 28, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: The G20 is set up to be interesting, as the US negotiators describe Chinese officials tone as negative. Tomorrow, the two heads of states are due to meet. President Trump was a bit more optimistic stating, “At a minimum, it will be productive,” referring to his meeting tomorrow with Chinese President Xi. […]

Market Talk – June 27, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: Tomorrow,  the G20 meeting will commence in Osaka, Japan. Chinese President Xi Jinping has met Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe prior to the meeting in order to try and build a relationship going forward. Meanwhile, the U.S. and China have reportedly agreed to delay any tariffs until the two sides meet at […]

Market Talk – June 24, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: The Chinese foreign minister has stated that they will “not allow” the G20 to discuss matters regarding Hong Kong. Recently, Hong Kong overruled a previous ruling that allowed Chinese extradition. Over the weekend, Chinese Vice Commerce Minister Wang Shouwen requested that the U.S. stop their inappropriate tariffs and actions against Chinese companies. […]

Market Talk – June 21, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: The US has added five more Chinese companies to a US blacklist that restricts US companies from dealing with the companies on the list. Of those included on the list is a Chinese government-owned supercomputing company, with military applications and dealing with national security. The companies “pose a significant risk of being […]

Gold & War

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you are the only person who forecasts gold without bias. How will gold respond to the war rattling with Iran? PD ANSWER: They will always paint gold as the a never ending bull market in the face of war. Perhaps us old-time traders learned the hard way – buy the rumor but […]

Market Talk – June 19, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: Nikkei has reported that Apple plans to move some of its manufacturing out of China. However, it is unlikely that the jobs will go to the US against the president’s wishes. “A lower birthrate, higher labor costs and the risk of overly centralizing its production in one country. These adverse factors are […]

World War III – 2024-2027?

QUESTION: Besides the Bible, there are many clairvoyants who predict that there will be World War III. Your models predict the rise in war tensions. What is your “opinion” about the prospects for a third world war? JC ANSWER: There is no doubt that we are in the process of a rising war cycle. It […]

Market Talk – June 18, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: There was upbeat news regarding the U.S.-China trade deal today. Trump stated that he and President Xi spoke and that they will have an extended meeting next week at the G20 event. A 6.7 magnitude earthquake hit the north east of Japan today, with expectations of perhaps multiple tsunamis to hit the […]

Market Talk – June 17, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: Hong Kong repealed their decision to allow extradition to China after thousands went to the streets in protest of the original decision. Prominent activist Joshua Wong has called for the city leader Carrie Lam to step down. Chinese technology giant Huawei has admitted that there has been as much as a 40% […]