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Market Talk- Aug 14, 2017

Despite a better than expected Japanese Q2 GDP (annualised 4%) the Nikkei fell 1% in thin summer trading. The currency probably took most of the blame for this as it weakened back towards 110 as we head to the end of the trading day. One wonders if the flight to safety argument is finally being […]

The Revolution Cycle can be just 13 to 26 Weeks

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What you are saying is there is no diplomacy that would work and that the only real player here is regime change and that is in the hands of the North Korean people. So what is your advice to Trump? KE ANSWER: Forget the trying to talk reason or my arsenal is bigger than […]

The Monetary Crisis Cycle Comes in Two Flavours

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I attended the Paris conference of the BIS when you were the keynote speaker. You delivered a forecast that was probably too far ahead for its time. You said the euro would go through and it would first drop but then peak with deflation in 2008 after the markets crash from 2007. […]

Market Talk- August 10th, 2017

Although Asian core all closed lower it really wasn’t that bad – at least in the Asian cash time zone. The JPY traded above the 110 level as cash rebounded at the close but then saw the late safety rally (US time zone). It was the large cap Hang Seng that appeared nervous in late […]

Trade War with Russia Disguised as Sanctions?

The US sanctions voted on by Congress against Russia are outrageous and an act of war that history will write as this may have been the line in the sand crossed by the USA to punish Russia for Hillary’s loss. Clearly, the new sanctions have important implications for Europe because they target any company that contributes […]

Market Talk- August 9th, 2017

Only one big topic for Asian markets this morning and unfortunately, not a happy one. The uptick in geo-politics dominated everything today and unsurprisingly saw equities retreat, with a rally in gold and treasuries. The Nikkei fell the most of the cores with a decline of 1.3% and saw a strengthening of its currency down […]

Market Talk – August 8th, 2017

We did not see a clear direction for core Asian indices today as we played between the positive and negative for most of the day. A typical August Tuesday with slow trade, low volume and no direction but we did have economic data to digest. Chinese released Export numbers for July increased by 7.2% whilst […]

Market Talk- August 3rd, 2017

Asia loved the idea that the DOW had closed above the 22k level but many were questioning why is it only the DOW that is soaring? Other core indices (S+O, NASDAQ and even the Russell) had all closed unchanged but for the Russell which fell 1% yesterday. Markets feel like they are treading water, was the […]

Erdogan moving Turkey Closer to Dictatorship

Germany is now pushing the EU towards a much more tougher policy in its relations with Turkey as Erdogan moves the country even closer to a full-blown dictatorship. Erdogan has rejected democracy and the rule of law and since the strike of the Putsch, which is characterized by the dismissal of thousands of government officials, mass arrests […]

Market Talk- August 1st, 2017

A solid day for Asia with gains for all core markets of between +0.3% in the Nikkei and +0.9% for the Australian ASX. All sectors contributed to the broad gains with no single area playing a dominant role. In China, we saw better than expected PMI which provided the boast many markets were looking for. […]