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Join the Real Goldbug Movement

It is time to really understand what makes gold and silver rise and fall. Enough of the nonsense about HYPERINFLATION. Even the Bible instructs that there is a TIME for everything and that includes a TIME to BUY and a TIME to SELL. Never trade anything from a buy only position. Governments are committing suicide […]

France is Pushing For Tax Evasion to be TOP EU Priority – Hitler Returns

France is just insane. It is a dying corpse lashing out against its own people and taking the rest of the world with them. They cannot see anything but their own view as a government desperately trying to cling on to Marxism. Finance ministers have urged to set new international tax standards and share more data […]

France is Destroying the European Economy

What part of Marxism do these politicians fail to understand? The problem seems to stem from the fact that most are lawyers. They know how to write laws and contracts, but most are totally ignorant of the real world.One of the most disrespectful lawyers ignorant of the real world was Samuel Untermyer, who was the Attorney for […]

Gold – Reality Check

I remain long-term bullish on gold which is the HEDGE against government – not inflation. This nonsense of fiat and all that bullshit sounds good. But that was all true when gold fell for 19 years as well. This is a market. The object here is to SURVIVE what is coming. The market is NEVER […]

Gold Intraday Bullish Reversal

We will send out a special report today on the close for those entitled to the 2013 Metals Report. Suffice it to say, the intraday Bullish Reversal on the 5 minute on the June Gold is near the Weekly Bearish, 1523.1. It is never over until the Fat Lady Sings, or in this case screams.

Metals 2013 Report Available Next Week $300

Due to the avalanche of emails requesting the Metal 2013 Forecasting Report, It will be emailed out next week covering Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, & Copper. The timing for turning points and price objectives for rallies and declines are provided.

Gold Has Broke

We are at last starting to shake the weak longs out of the tree. So much for fiat and other nonsense. The largest short in history is to be found in the dollar. This is a global economy, and that is not limited to the Fed and NY banks. Neither are capable of manipulating this […]

Government Pensions Will Cost $2,500 Per Household & Climbing

The crisis we face is the collapse of society because those in government have been greedy and lined their pockets with our labor. On average, we are approaching the $3,000 mark per household that will soon be the cost of government pensions. This is a staggering number that begins to rise exponentially. This is why […]

Debt is Deferred Taxation & Why The Fed’s Expansion was not Inflationary

Everything functions in a dynamic world – not in a one dimensional vacuum. The expansion of the money supply by the Fed of $3 trillion was NOT inflationary because it took place simultaneously with a contraction in leverage (money supply) of at least $5 trillion if not closer to $7 trillion. This is different when […]

Fitch downgrades China’s In ANTICIPATION

The Fitch downgrade of China’s credit rating is interesting because it is ANTICIPATING that China will have to bailout the state and local governments as well as banks. Under this approach, Europe should be downgraded to JUNK status.  Fitch downgraded China’s sovereign credit rating for the first time since 1999 because of concerns that the […]