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Your Emails Can be Seized No Problem

Recently the American Civil Liberties Union under a Freedom of Information Act request got internal documents of the IRS that take the position that the IRS maintains it can read American citizens’ emails without a warrant. As always, the government agencies ALWAYS interpret their authority as broadly as possible with no regard for any constitutional rights. The […]

NY Court Holds you Cannot Sue SEC in Madoff

Judge Laura Taylor Swain in Manhattan threw out a $2.5 million lawsuit when investors tried to sue the SEC for damages because they failed to do their job when so many people warned them about Madoff. Once again, this dismissal of the suit was affirmed by the notorious court in NYC – 2nd Circuit Court […]

Making Gold & Silver Legal Tender

Several lawmakers in the United States are now considering making gold and silver coins legal tender amid fears that the Federal Reserve’s monetary policies may result in a considerably drop of the dollar value. Arizona is the main state pushing for residents to be able to use bullion as rightful currency, but several other states are […]

The Euro & Thatcher

The primary conflict that Thatcher had was the pro-European movement. The overwhelming majority of her own government wanted to go into the Euro. She stood her ground and because of her, she saved Britain from the Euro. “We have not successfully rolled back the frontiers of the state in Britain, only to see them re-imposed […]

Thatcher & Marxists

I find it very distasteful how the Marxists are rushing out to claim Margaret Thatcher did nothing for Britain. What have they accomplished other than lower economic growth, decline in our living standards, women do not have the right to work but the requirement to do so for a family to survive because they keep […]

MF Global Customers get paid If Corzine & JP Morgan Walk

If anyone ever wondered why you just cannot do business in New York, is is the proof. They illegally trade with client funds, lose a ton of money at J.P. Morgan, outside of New York, if someone steals your money and bet it on red at the roulette table in Vegas, as a matter of […]

Jefferson – Marxism is Unconstitutional

The corruption in Washington is reflected in hotel bills all there trying to get some exception typically from taxation. The very same chain with the very same class of guest room, is $199 in Philadelphia, $349 in NYC, and $369 in Washington. Washington is full of lobbyists and that is reflected in hotel rooms using the […]

European/US Free Trade Agreement

The only lesson politicians learned from the Great Depression was the benefits of free trade. Following President Obama’s State of the Union, the United States and the European Union announced their intentions to begin negotiations on the US-EU trade agreement. Yet at the same time, they are tracking every penny moving out of the country […]

Can we Really Eliminate Taxes?

Once you realize money is NOT tangible and has now moved even beyond paper, the economic structure of the world economy is fundamentally different from what everyone assumes. You cannot see the changes in your aging process looking at yourself in a mirror everyday. Pull out a photo of the past and then you will […]

Former Communists with Lowest Taxes – Go Figure!

Corporate Tax Rates are lower in former Communist countries. We have not learned the Lesson that Marxism Does not Work. Country                                                                     […]