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Public Notice of Back-Up in Switzerland

Just in case there are attacks to shut down this site, go to our Swiss Servers. Princeton-Economics.COM That is not fully operational as yet, but it will be a back up if this goes down for any reason.

The End of Everything Has Arrived

A new EU Directive provides that compulsory levies in Cyprus will be charged over the weekend. At a meeting of EU finance ministers in Dublin, Commissioner Michel Barnier confirmed that the the people are responsible for the bank they deal with. Depositors will risk their money after the Bank’s shareholders and creditors of banks. It’s amazing […]

Cyprus Going Insane

Politicians simply do not even understand what they are doing. In Cyprus, they claim next week they will allow transactions of €300,000, but they are arresting anyone trying to leave with more than €1000 in their pocket. Most of this year’s tourism was booked. However, if the Russians stay away and the Middle East heats up, Cyprus […]

The Fast Track to Self-Destruction

All the governments are now banning together to attack anyone with an offshore account. All they see is taxes, taxes, and more taxes. They are blind to the massive disinvestment that they are creating. Even Canada is getting into the game. They cannot see that capital will be more inclined to hoard and as that […]

Join the Real Goldbug Movement

It is time to really understand what makes gold and silver rise and fall. Enough of the nonsense about HYPERINFLATION. Even the Bible instructs that there is a TIME for everything and that includes a TIME to BUY and a TIME to SELL. Never trade anything from a buy only position. Governments are committing suicide […]

France is Pushing For Tax Evasion to be TOP EU Priority – Hitler Returns

France is just insane. It is a dying corpse lashing out against its own people and taking the rest of the world with them. They cannot see anything but their own view as a government desperately trying to cling on to Marxism. Finance ministers have urged to set new international tax standards and share more data […]

France is Destroying the European Economy

What part of Marxism do these politicians fail to understand? The problem seems to stem from the fact that most are lawyers. They know how to write laws and contracts, but most are totally ignorant of the real world.One of the most disrespectful lawyers ignorant of the real world was Samuel Untermyer, who was the Attorney for […]

Gold – Reality Check

I remain long-term bullish on gold which is the HEDGE against government – not inflation. This nonsense of fiat and all that bullshit sounds good. But that was all true when gold fell for 19 years as well. This is a market. The object here is to SURVIVE what is coming. The market is NEVER […]

Gold Intraday Bullish Reversal

We will send out a special report today on the close for those entitled to the 2013 Metals Report. Suffice it to say, the intraday Bullish Reversal on the 5 minute on the June Gold is near the Weekly Bearish, 1523.1. It is never over until the Fat Lady Sings, or in this case screams.

Metals 2013 Report Available Next Week $300

Due to the avalanche of emails requesting the Metal 2013 Forecasting Report, It will be emailed out next week covering Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, & Copper. The timing for turning points and price objectives for rallies and declines are provided.