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Regulating Gold Getting Tighter

The story of ABN Amro ceasing delivery of precious metals it had previously offered to its Dutch clients regarding gold, silver, platinum and palladium, had been an agreement with Deutsche Bank Netherlands, who suspended that agreement. The change only impacts those in Holland and has nothing to do with paper contracts that exist in every futures […]

US Population Growth is the Key

Question: So is it money v population that determines the overall trend? Answer: Yes The one consistent trend within the correlations that is part of the decline and fall of all empires, nations, and city states, is that as that society becomes more affluent, the birth rate ALWAYS declines. This is why Social Security and […]

Inflation & Population are Key Factors.

Question: If government created even electronic money for its expenses, wouldn’ that be inflationary? Answer: Not necessarily. “inflation” is really the depreciation in the purchasing power of the currency. There is a whole other dimension that is overlooked – money supply relative to the population. DEFLATION will occur if you had a fixed money supply […]

Gold – To Buy or Not To Buy

Gold is still in a basing phase. The interesting thing is how some have sold this market as the single exception to everything in the world and how it can only rise. Gold is a tiny fraction within the scheme of the global economy. It really is no longer relevant for in case you haven’t […]

The Misunderstood National Debts

The single greatest problem we face is that we borrow constantly with no intention of paying anything off. In fact, if we tried to pay off the debts that all nations are creating, there would be massive revolution and the rivers would turn to blood. Why did city states begin to borrow rather than simply […]

US better than Germany London FT Declares

The view of the USA from outside is always enlightening for those stuck in a domestic world. All we ever hear about is the US debt, the Fed monetization, and Obama’s latest attack upon the constitution. That notwithstanding, the view in Japan with North Korea itching to draw first Japanese blood and Europe demonstrating it is about […]


The rise in Bitcoin to $147 is clearly a phase transition. Nothing moves in that manner that is sustainable. The cyber attacks are interesting. They could be major players seeking to disrupt the business to benefit short positions. Or it could be government attacks as well. The problem Bitcoin faces is the same we […]

It’s Global Stupid!

One reader wrote: “Congratulations. Your forecast that the Dow would make new highs from the depths of 2009 has been astonishing. You have done the same each and every time since 1987. You consistently hit the ball out of the park every time. I was at your Berlin Conference. You dedicated that conference to Milton […]

The Economic Evolution

This massive leak on people who have accounts outside their country put together by 160 journalists who are most likely closet Marxists, now threatens even Russians in the Government. Putin also vowed to go after Russians who had offshore accounts in his December State of the Union Address. This hunting down of the rich […]

Russia & North Korea

According to sources, it was Russia that provided North Korea with the technology to deliver ICBMs. The ties between Russia and North Korea are far greater than the press has let on.