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Euro Closed 12820

The closing for the Euro on spot at 128.20 on Friday was a serious break of support. The primary bank of support now lies at the 12100 area. This week proved to be a minor Panic Cycle taking out both the previous high and low. The turning points ahead are next week and the week […]

Splitting the Blog

We will be splitting the Blog soon between markets and world events. We only put on news that illustrates a global trend not the general nonsense. This is to keep you up to date as the world turns so you can see the problems emerging beyond the myopic horizon of traditional economic analysis. It is […]

North Korea Declares War Against Everybody

Nobody knows what the hell to make of North Korea. Is he insane?  Do we laugh or cry? He can;t reach the USA, but he can reach Japan and South Korea. The one thing talked about behind the curtain is simple. War would be generally conventional. The nuks are there as a backup. If Russia […]

Latin America & Dollar Loans

From South America a reader has written about the trend down there: “You know the same thing is happening in Latin America. Tons of dollars have been flowing there recently and dollar borrowing rates have skyrocketed as all US benchmark rates reached record lows.  Economies are booming and it doesn’t take a genius to see […]

Conspiracy Theories – Way Too Much Credit.

The popular nonsense is that the confiscation of assets in Cyprus was to force people to invest. Smart money has been moving from PUBLIC to PRIVATE. But if you really think these people think more than one step at a time, you are crediting them way too much. Yes, capital should not park in bank […]

Homeowner Forecloses on Bank of America!

This is truly an amazing story. Bank of America tried to foreclose on a home in Floridia when they had no such mortgage, and the homeowner proved he had paid cash. A judge ruled Bank of America had to pay the legal fees, and 5 months later ignoring the court order, the homeowner moved to […]

Cyprus & Confiscation of Assets is Global Plan

The Cypriot politicians will remain in the Euro at least for now. They are listening to Brussels and are afraid of retaliation if they try to leave. We submitted a proposal to try to save Cyprus, but the powers that be are doing as they are told by the European Commission. There is little hope […]

The Short Dollar & The Debt Bubble

Everyone keeps touting the demise of the dollar. They seem to be unaware of the global private debt bubble in dollars and how bullish that can be. During the 1980’s, banks in Australia sold Swiss loans on the basis that was the way to save massive interest with no view of the A$ whatsoever. Then […]

Question – Gold & Interest Rates

1. You have been pretty consistent in your position that gold is yet another commodity with business cycles affecting it as much as corn or copper and therefore a gold standard would never work. But wouldn’t you agree that at the least a gold standard would serve as a speed bump on government’s constant expansion […]

“Hollande” is French for “How to Destroy an Economy for Dummies”

French President François Hollande should get the Noble Prize for providing the script for How to Destroy and Economy for Dummies. He went on TV on Thursday now saying he would make companies pay a 75% tax rate on salaries over one million euros. He is repackaging his Marxist campaign promise that he would impose […]