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French President Hiding Money?

In France a financial scandal is now threatening to bring down President Francois Hollande, since it emerged that his former Socialist Party treasurer invested in two Cayman Islands offshore companies. Here is the man who is hunting the rich while his own campaign funds go offshore. Amazing!

Just Astonishing

I guess politicians today are not familiar with Euclid. It is just beyond belief but did you know that if x = y and y = z then guess what? It is just astonishing, but OMG x = z: Go figure! That is just totally amazing. It doesn’t take a pocket calculator or a whole new […]

Cyprus Proposal

Cyprus Proposal  March 27th, 2013, 5:00PM EST Cyprus Proposal   The paramount questions remain:   1)     What is the end-game solution for the Euro? 2)     How will the Euro survive after the Cyprus solution? 3)     What is to be accomplished by staying in the Euro and suffering the indignities Brussels is inflicting upon Cyprus? 4)     […]

The Call to Leave the EU is rising even from Church Leaders

Things have gotten so bad in Cyprus that yesterday the most revered person on the Island, Archbishop Chrysostomos II, accused the Troika of the Cyprus’ impending economic collapse and has called for the country to leave the European Union.  As the Archbishop said…and rather succinctly so… There will be no European Union in the future. […]

Silver – Beware of 2640

A reader wrote: Yes. I am a “silverbug”. I never attacked you since I am a very open minded silverbug not a fanatic. But now the charts and the prices are showing your theory that in the economy, all the big money goes to the dollar  first. So what should be the primary advice for timing […]

Will Europe Break Apart?

There is no doubt rising separatist movements in virtually every country. However, the politicians are threatening members who think about leaving. So the ship is sinking and some faint distant hope may still glimmer in the distance that the people will make their voice heard in Europe and bring about change. At least the governments there are […]

All Gov’ts Acknowledged The Cyprus Model for Bank Bailouts is It

The Cyprus solution was in fact discussed at G20 levels. Numerous papers are starting to surface from Europe to New Zealand where government is accepting the idea that the next time bankers blow up the world, they can just take the deposits. This is even surfacing in Canada. We submitted our proposal to save […]

The Euro is Dead – Long Live the Dollar

Our phones have been in meltdown mode and sleep has been rarer than gold around here. Whatever politicians could do to screw up the world, trust me, they are diligently at work to accomplish that goal even ahead of schedule. The logic coming from the ECB, France, and Germany leaves a lot to be desired. […]

Cyprus Phase II

One of the most frustrating things is when you really do have to deal with governments and you realize that all those people who spin wonderful conspiracy theories crediting them with such vast knowledge have absolutely no idea how bad things really are. The people in government are largely lawyers. They know the fine detail […]

Euro Capital Flight Begins

Reports both from Europe and United States indicate that capital is starting to flee from Southern Europe which prompted the statements by politicians that Cyprus will not become the standard model, which of course it is. The European banks are closed today. Resistance for any knee-jerk reaction will begin at the Monthly Bearish Reversal that […]