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Are we Headed into a Mad Max Scenario?

The 1981 film Mad Max with Mel Gibson has been the subject of many emails asking what to do, should they store some food, silver coins, etc. As a trader, you always plan for ALL options so when they emerge, you know where to turn and what to do. I am diligently working to get […]

Italian Debt Auction Less Than Robust

In the United States, Wall Street opened lower as the demand at an Italian debt auction came in much softer than expected. This is starting to spark concerns over the financial health of the euro zone among those who are beginning to grasp there is a problem with absolutely no solution and the bullshit mixed […]


I often get the question would I run for politics? I prefer the mantle of a political prisoner who has stood up to the Bankers and their Puppets (Bureaucrats) than the less glamorous mantle of a mere politician. Besides, I would be assassinated before I reached the stage. They know far too well what I […]

Bulgarian Gov’t Collapses

Hundreds of Bulgarians joined rallies across the country to protest against poverty and corruption. Bulgaria’s President Rosen Plevneliev has announced a caretaker cabinet, following weeks without a government. There is a rising tide against government and this is why the Homeland Security needs tanks – not because of terrorists, but because they are pissing-off a […]

Marxism & Gold Standard Are Same

Warren, George

George Warren (1874-1938) In 1932, George Warren had written, Wholesale Prices for 213 Years; 1720-1932. Effectively, this work was a forerunner to Monetary Theory by making observations that prices rose with the gold discoveries and declined when supplies of gold declined. This work was a simplistic monetary view of the world that Franklin Roosevelt could […]

Youth & the Third Party

Part of the reason why the Business Cycle moves in great lengths of 51.6 years is also generational. Attitudes change with time. When the Puritans fled to America after really being chased out of England as fanatics not much different that the Muslims we label terrorists today, they brought to America prejudice, bias, and the […]

The Euro & the Cyprus Crisis

The Cyprus Crisis has the potential to send the dollar soaring. The Euro has fallen to 128.27 intraday holding at the Weekly Bearish Reversal at 128.24 on spot. April & May were to be high volatility periods. A closing below 1583 in gold will also start to warn of a dollar rally. See: Cyprus & […]

Cyprus & the Euro

Copyright March 26th, 2013 All Rights Reserved We are on the verge of a real crack in the Euro. So far the intraday low is 128.27 on the spot and we have a Weekly Bearish Reversal at 128.24 with a GAP down to 121.37.  As always, the political forces and academic factions are unfamiliar with […]

Understanding the Euro and the Chaos it is Unleashing in the World Economy

Understanding the Euro And the Chaos it is Unleashing in the World Economy                                               Copyright October 28th, 1997 By Martin A. Armstrong There appears to be great confusion among not merely the public sector officials, […]