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Cheney & Rumsfeld the Machiavellian Puppet Masters Behind the Iraq War

  There is so much behind the scenes to the creation of a false narrative to wage war in Iraq it is no joke. The story laid out by James Bamford offers another slice of the war story that was sold to the world. Those behind this sales-pitch will never be prosecuted because they are above the law […]

Hillary For President 2028 – Again?

Ready to Lead the Nation Through 2032

Qatar to help Turkey by $15 Billion Loan

There has been a lot of lobbying behind the curtain going on asking Qatar to change its position and help Turkey for the IMF would not be able to come to the rescue. Sources are saying that Qatar will help Turkey to the tune of $15 billion for now. Those lobbying have included the United […]

This is No Joke – Monetary Reform Will Be Forced Upon the World

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I really understand why the government wanted your model so bad. You have been the only one to correctly forecast the entire world. The emerging markets are cracking and the euro is falling apart. What is next in your timetable? ANSWER: We have been warning that the first to crack would be […]

What About Australia?

QUESTION: It is clear our government seems to be going crazy. I know you use to live here in Sydney. We met many times when you did conferences here. I also know you once said you would like to retire in Australia. Has that changed? Paul ANSWER: Well, my dreams of retirement have not been […]

Why is Asia Rising Against the West

Some people have written in and asked why we have issued a report that shows how and when China will displace the USA and the West as the Financial Capital of the world. Let me explain some interesting facts. If we look at the top ten cities for tourism, you will find that the half […]

Bundesbank Demands Explanation for Requests for Cash

The German central bank, the Bundesbank, has significantly expanded its ability to control and access cash transactions in the hunt for taxes. They have required statements and assurances from cash-demanding commercial banks for the purpose of the intended business requiring cash. The Bundesbank has declined to comment on the new policy. The Federal Association of German Banks […]

Our Worst Nightmares are Starting to Take Shape in Reality

The Euro has continued to fall dropping at the time of this post to 11343. The bottom of this channel lies at the 11315 area and behind the curtain, our phone is in meltdown mode.  After’s Italy warning that the ECB has to keep QE going or the entire bond market will collapse forcing the […]

Hoards of Ancient Coins Including Biblical Widow Mites

    QUESTION: Do you have any more Roman coins you will offer for Christmas? I would really like to buy a few to give to my grandchildren. WJ ANSWER: Yes. I have several hoards I will make available some that I bought probably back in the 1970s. There are no major quantities. Generally less […]

Precious Metals were Worth Less than the Coinage

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I do not understand your statement that even when coins were silver and gold, they were still a form of fiat money. Could you explain that please? BB ANSWER: The evidence that supports that statement is abundant. We find coins of the immediate financial capital be it Greece or Rome, were IMITATED […]