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Nyenrode University

Yesterday, I spoke by invitation at the prestigious Dutch Nyenrode Business University, situated on a 13th century estate with its own genuine castle, moat, and drawbridges. This is the only university of its kind with such a unique atmosphere and remains the only private university in the Netherlands, which explains the invitation. The questions were interesting, to say […]

Why Europe Will Lead the Charge to Eliminate Cash – the Next Step in a Global Meltdown

Europe will lead the world into Economic Totalitarianism because government is now desperate to retain the euro. If the euro collapses, so will Brussels. The government exists solely because of the euro. The key is the fatal design of the euro. Failure to consolidate the debts of all individual member states has been the worst possible […]

FATCA: The Deflationary Force Destroying the Global Economy One Day at a Time

COMMENT: Hi Martin, In Singapore and Hong Kong, everyone who wants to open a bank account or brokerage account have to fill in a FATCA form regardless of their nationalities. If you don’t know how to fill in the form, you have to engage your lawyer to advice you on how to fill it up […]

The Blood Moon & ECM

QUESTION: Martin, I couldn’t help but notice that the forth blood moon will occur on Sept 28 2015. This seems to coincide with your 2015.75 turning point. Any thoughts? ANSWER: Our model has not taken astrology or events such as the Blood Moon into account. They may be markers, which have been correlated to events, but I personally […]

The Nationalization of Banks?

Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the Bank of Rothschild, is commonly misquoted to have said: “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws”. That is very nice and quaint, but times have changed. In those days money was coin. What the Rothschilds really controlled was not so much money, […]

Germany Goes Nuts: Coincidence, Luck, Influence or Something Else?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I realize you do not believe you are influential. However, you began your European tour on April 28th and ever since the bond markets have declined and you said buy gold coins in Stuttgart and Germans are frantically buying gold all of a sudden and the economy has not yet collapsed. This […]

So What Can We Do?

This Sovereign Debt Crisis is the nature of the beast we face. Understanding that crisis is half the battle, for after the business cycle turns, there will be a lot of finger pointing, but you can bet it will never be pointing at government. The country does not matter, as the people are the same. […]

Creating the Bond Bubble – Role of the Stock Market

All over the place they are touting that the stock market will crash and burn. Indeed, when you say there is a coming crash, everyone immediately assumes that means the stock market. It appears that the bulk of those who claim to be analysts are all proclaiming the coming stock market crash. This is typical […]

What Would Happen if Everyone Followed Socrates?

QUESTION: Martin, I am a believer in your work and the effect of time and cycles complicit in everything. My question to you relates to Socrates. If everyone followed the calls made by Socrates, wouldn’t this result in crowded trades and thus exacerbate volatility? Appreciate all of your work, IGP ANSWER: We have just recently exceeded […]

Why Do Most Computer Models Fail?

Computer models typically fail for the same reason why human forecasting from a gut personal perspective becomes a joke. In both cases, if there is no experience with the past, neither can possibly forecast the future. Such models have failed because they lack the historical database on a global scale. How is it possible to […]