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Market Talk – March 4, 2022

ASIA: China is targeting a non-hydro energy storage installed capacity of 30GW by 2025 and grew its battery production output for energy storage by 146% last year, state media has said. The country is aiming for 50% electricity generation from renewable power by 2025, up from 42% currently. Also the State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) reportedly […]

Stupidity of Sanctions

Never in all my career have I ever witnessed such stupidity. While the majority are cheering the sanctions imposed on oligarchs, nobody seems to realize that what goes around, comes around. In total there are almost 3,000 American companies in Russia, and the U.S. is also the leader in terms of foreign companies in Special Economic Zones, with 11 […]

The Markets & the Solution

  The talks between Ukraine and Russia did not agree on a ceasefire but did agree to create safe corridors for civilians to evacuate. Both sides are clearly at fault here and it is hard to see why there is no settlement to a ceasefire. Agree to a democratic resolution and allow the people of […]

Ukraine & Reality

QUESTION: Why do you think that Putin should win? The world seems to be on the side of the Ukrainian people. DU ANSWER: I see the problem as Zelensky is really fighting for money but the press will not report the truth. There are vast gas fields under Crimea and he deliberately cemented off the […]

The WHO Is Developing an International Vaccine Passport

The World Health Organization (WHO) has signed a deal with T-Systems (a Deutsche Telecom subsidiary) for the production of a global QR system to produce an international vaccine passport. The company noted has already implemented vaccine QR codes for over 60 countries, despite the intense resistance by the people. T-Systems is also responsible for implementing […]

Market Talk – March 2, 2022

ASIA: Japan’s economic growth will likely grind to a near halt this quarter as coronavirus curbs and supply disruptions threaten to derail the country’s economic recovery, a Reuters poll of economists showed on Monday. The forecast was much lower than the robust expansion expected in January’s projection in a sign of the heavy damage chip […]

Zelensky Comedy Skit Surfaces

Ukrainian President Zelensky, a former comedian, created the following video in 2015. In the sketch, former Prime Minister Angela Merkel calls to invite Ukraine to join the European Union — only to find out that she meant to call Montenegro. Zelensky is now appealing to join the EU once again. But hey, what’s a new […]

Who is the Adviser? Death?

QUESTION: You think Putin should win? Why do you support Putin? SB ANSWER: Do you really think that Putin should be defeated? What planet are you on? If Putin is defeated in Ukraine, then the entire fate of Russia hangs in the balance. Do you honestly think he would let the collapse of Russia take […]

Market Talk – March 1, 2022

ASIA: A top Chinese official warned on Tuesday that China’s economy faces multiple challenges at home and abroad this year, including “huge” pressure from uncertainty over global trade and from still-lackluster domestic consumption. Foreign trade, which helped drive the world’s second-largest economy last year, will be confronted by uncertain external demand and a high statistical […]

The Real Backdrop Nobody Will Discuss

  The only way to avoid World War III is to listen to both sides. The refusal to listen ensures that we will move into World War III, and this is not my opinion; unfortunately, our computer has never been wrong, for it is unbiased. It called BREXIT when nobody else did, and also forecast […]