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Anglo-Saxon Countries Are Nuts

I am not sure what is in the Anglo-Saxon Culture but this need to control absolutely everything under the sun is seriously disturbing. Here is an actual poster from London they seem proud to display. This idea is that everything must be monitored and this is most definitely like East Germany before the fall of […]

US Civil War Started Because of Territorial Jurisdiction

Most people have heard about the famous Dred Scott decision by the Supreme Court that led to the US Civil War. It was a decision that showed how the court, dominated by Southern pro-slavery judges, bent the law to keep what their friends wanted. Dred Scott was an African-American slave who had asked a United States […]

Taxing the Internet UNCONSTITUTIONAL

When it comes to law, 95% of lawyers are simply creatures of statutory law. Then there is the RARE constitutional lawyer and even the RARER Admiralty Lawyer who deals in the laws of nations. This idea of allowing all the states to tax everyone and force upon business the obligation to collect all these taxes for which […]

International Law & Territorial Jurisdiction

Copyright March 24, 2013 All Rights Reserved The idea that all businesses can be ordered to obey all the laws to collect sales tax for 45 states is unconstitutional. There is NO power in Congress or any legislature to authorize a free-for-all to subject any business outside its jurisdiction to its own laws. This NOT […]

Economic Evolution

The economy also evolves like man. Aristotle complained that a market economy was changing the lifestyle of society for once farmers realized they could sell excess crops Athens began to change with bankers, shipping, insurance, etc. The railroad connecting the east and west coasts gave birth to mail order as Sears introduced a catalogue and […]

The Tax-Free Internet Shopping Era May Be Over

Taxes – taxes & more taxes. The greedy people in Washington who are no more representatives of the people than a frog can live worry free in France, are coming up with their usual bullshit naming laws opposite of what they really are to hide their anti-citizen perspective. They are introducing the Marketplace Fairness Act as part of […]

Canadian Reader Submits

Revenue Canada to give a pencil sharpener to all taxpayers who file early. Of course you could apply this to EU and Obama not to forget Japan.

World Trade Center attacks 1993 – 2001 were 8.53972 years apart

“I realized you might not have noticed the same thing I did….namely,  The first bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City occurred on Feb 26, 1993.  The second, obviously, was 9/11/2001.  The difference between the dates is about 8 years and, ummm…I don’t know….little over half a year.  ;> Do your computer […]

Cyprus ATMs

From sources in Cyprus: “They just voted on measures a little while ago which will seize portion of everyone’s savings.” Cyprus ATMs basically say up yours. To be impartial here, the politicians rushed to get the Euro through, came to us and I warned there had to be a single national debt. The response was that […]

Berezovsky is Dead

Boris Berezovsky was the Kremlin insider during the days of Boris Yeltsin, who left Russia in the late 1990s after a money-laundering scandal involving Aeroflot airlines and has been the subject of an extradition order by Russia. He has appeared on Moscow’s most wanted list since 2001 on charges of fraud, money-laundering and attempted interference in […]