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Country-Club Republican Bullshits His Own Party

House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) sent President Obama a bill Thursday that averts a government shutdown. The Republicans in the House were trying to force Obama to accept deep cuts and managed to come close to shutting down the government before and appeared ready to do so again. However, Boehner, the  Country Club Republican, has bullshitted the […]

Corruption & the Rule of Law

Sarkozy, former President of France, is now under investigation for ‘abuse of someone in an impaired state’ for receiving donations from L’Oreal heiress. This may be politically motivated for the current socialist/communist president, who should win the Olympic Gold Medal for being the fastest in modern history for taking a nation and indeed Europe downhill […]

Religious Wars Reemerging?

Religious wars always reappear whenever economic stress emerges. The rise in Christianity really became exponential only with the economic collapse during the their century thanks to Gallienus. India and Pakistan split because of the conflicts between Muslim and Buddhists. We are now starting to see in line with the 2014 turn in the War Cycle […]

Gold – Dow – Dollar

The dollar is not sinking and will actually rise on geopolitical concerns as the safe harbor in  tempest of conflicting trends. Keep in mind that the majority of people who put themselves out there as analysts only focus domestically. They analyze everything as if all roads lead to Washington. That myopic viewpoint is why they […]

Even France will Turn Hard Right

Europe should politically start to turn to the hard right. This is in the cards as we see the political unrest start to rise and the prospect of war begins to rise in 2014. The socialists do not understand that their management if the economy has proven that they are as dangerous as the communists. […]

The 224 Year Cycle Turns Tomorrow

With the ECB giving the ultimatum  for Monday for Cyrus to either raid everyone’s accounts robbing the average person for the political misconduct of creating the Euro in a half-ass manner, they are making the 224 year cycle precisely to the day. Cyprus will have no choice to turn to Russia and Russia would be […]

Cyprus & the Approaching Bear

There is a huge geopolitical risk in Cyprus that is clearly forgotten by politicians. Cyprus More than a debt crisis.  

Cyprus – More than just a Debt Risk

Copyright March 21, 2013 all rights reserved By Martin Armstrong The Cyprus event is the key to geopolitical survival of Europe. There is a substantial difference between Russia and China. Russia lost territory and as such needs to reestablish its “empire” that it sees as territory not economic power as does China. That means that […]

M.F. Global = 1st Cyprus

There has been at least one universal principle that has been fundamental up until now that the savings of ordinary people should be protected in these bank failures, up to a threshold of 100,000 euros in the European Union or 100,000 dollars in the United States. There has been also a key fundamental principle that […]

Two Years Ago this Plan to Seize Bank Accounts was Proposed

The Swiss banking regulator previously published a paper two years ago proposing that to rescue the bankers in Switzerland the solution is to also just take money from accounts. This demonstrates what I have been warning about. ANYONE who has a career in government looks upon the people as absolute economic slaves. They stand up […]