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Cyprus – Germany’s Crisis

The Cyprus proposed tax on everyone to pay for the fiscal mismanagement of government and the bankers demonstrates that politicians are by no means representatives of the people. They cannot be when there are no term limits and they make politics their career. That means they are the GOVERNMENT and that means they see every […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference

  We would like to thank everyone that attended, and apologize for those who wanted to attend but we were at full capacity and were unable to get a larger room. It was filmed so we will try to see what can be prepared for  DVD,

Cyprus & Argentina

The Dow has most likely reached a temporary top but a close below 14307 is necessary to confirm that. The Cyprus event based upon sources directly there inform us that this seizure was a directive from Europe. It is most likely inspired by Merkel refusing to bail them out because of the Sept elections. Argentina […]

Republicans Splintering

The difference between the House and the Senate Republicans is continuing to expose that we may indeed end up with a Third Party emerging. The House Republicans say no more tax increases while the Senate Republicans want to deal with Obama and said they will just lie to the people and close tax write-offs while […]

The Downside of Electronic Money – What is Left?

By eliminating all money government hopes to get every penny in tax. They are shutting down the global economy for Americans threatening to prosecute any foreign entity who refuses to report on what Americans are doing overseas. How can America expand into the global economy if Americans cannot operate overseas? This is part of the […]

The Right to Privacy

The government is moving rapidly toward eliminating paper money. Take a $100 bill to Starbucks or CVS and they look at you strangely. They say most people pay with cards. They rarely have change. From the government perspective, absolutely everything you buy and where you are is now tracked and retained historically. They no longer […]


GRISWOLD v. CONNECTICUT, 381 U.S. 479 (1965) 381 U.S. 479 GRISWOLD ET AL. v. CONNECTICUT. APPEAL FROM THE SUPREME COURT OF ERRORS OF CONNECTICUT. No. 496. Argued March 29-30, 1965. Decided June 7, 1965. Appellants, the Executive Director of the Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut, and its medical director, a licensed physician, were convicted as […]

What Are the Odds the US Defaults?

The answer to that question is ZERO!!!!!! That does not mean there is no default. To the contrary, the way they default when still holding the scepter of power is by the swap out the old for the new currency. They simply come forward and say look, we have these new purple dollars and they […]


One of the most critical aspects of why it is so important to understand history is because it is both a catalogue of solutions as well as potential threats. At the Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference today we discussed FORCED LOANS. Both the cities of Venice and Florence issued laws FORCING citizens to buy their bonds. This […]

Commodity Prices into 2032

Commodities have always been subject to huge swings in the booms and busts of history. Kondratieff did his research on the 19th century and as such his wave is not indicative of the modern economy since it has moved from a 70% employment commodity base to less than 5%. This does by no means negate […]