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Hume, David

David Hume 1711-1776 David Hume was a Scottish philosopher, interested in economics. His Political Discourses (1752) contained several chapters devoted to economic analysis, the best known being his essay Of Money. Hume dismissed mercantilist fears of free trade, pointing out that money movements respond to rises and falls in prices which prevent permanent balance of […]

Jevons, William Stanley

William Stanley Jevons 1835-1882 William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882) was a British natural scientist turned economist. He was educated at University College, London, and taught at Manchester and London. He wrote many books and papers, but by far the most important is his Theory of Political Economy (1871). He is generally given credit for initiating the […]

Metals Manupilation

Question: Is there really a banking cartel that artificially suppresses gold/silver prices in order to convince the world to continue subjecting itself to a fraudulent fiat currency monetary system that is led by the US dollar? Answer: NO WAY!!!!!  Do banks manipulate markets including gold & silver? The answer is ABSOLUTELY! However, they do so […]

The 224 Year Cycle – March 22nd, 2013

(included in the Ticket Price for the Princeton WEC March 18-19th) The 224 Year Cycle is Due to turn March 22nd, 2013. We have prepared a special report on this cycle 44 pages in all that covers this cycle from ancient times to the present. Included are the primary targets the USA, Russia, and China. […]

Friedman, Milton

Milton Friedman 1912-2006 Milton Friedman is an American economist. Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago and spokesman of the ‘Chicago School’ which believes in a free market economy. Friedman is the most influential exponent of the monetarist school of economic thought. The monetarists maintain that the economic cycle is primarily determined by the […]

Galbraith, John Kenneth

John Kenneth Galbraith (1908-2006) John Kenneth Galbraith was a Canadian economist who moved to the United States where he taught at Harvard. Gaibraith’s books are often to be found in the best-seller lists. His most important works are A Theory of Price Control (1952), American Capitalism (1952), The Affluent Society (1958), The New Industrial State […]

Gresham, Sir Thomas

Sir Thomas Gresham 1519-1579 Sir Thomas Gresham was an English merchant and financier who became the financial Adviser to Queen Elizabeth I (b 1533; 1558–1603) of England. Gresham first articulated this in 1558 for what he is best remembered for Gresham’s Law, which was the statement that “Bad money drives out good.” Henry VIII (b 1491; 1509-1547) engaged in competitive […]

Hayek, Friedrich August von

Friedrich August von Hayek (1899–1992) Friedrich August von Hayek was an Austrian economist. Came to Britain in 1931, teaching at the London School of Economics until 1950. Moved to the University of Chicago, becoming Professor of Social and Moral Science. Currently Professor Emeritus at the University of Freiburg in Germany. In 1974, he won the […]

Burns, Arthur

Arthur Burns (1904-1987) Arthur Burns was an Australian-born American economist. Taught at Rutgers University and Columbia. In 1950, he became President of the American Economic Association has built a considerable reputation for his work on business cycles. He chaired the Council of Economic Advisers under Eisenhower and later advised Nixon in his 1960 and 1968 […]

Cantillon, Richard (1680-1734)

Richard Cantillon 1680-1734 Richard Cantillon was an Irish international banker. Thanks to the financial backing of Brydges and Decker, Cantillon became an established banker. He was a man of great intellect, was well traveled, and spoke several languages. He knew people such as Montesquieu and Voltaire. His travels gave him contacts through which Cantillon was able […]