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Pharmaceutical Companies & Buying Immunity

Most people are unaware of the EXTREME DANGER posed by the Pharmaceutical Industry and their effort to force vaccines on the entire population by law and at the same time to exempt themselves from any liability. In 1987, Democrat William Herbert Gray sponsored H.R.3545 – Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987. Stuffed in this act […]

Repo & Disinformation

QUESTION #1: Would you comment on Zoltan Pozsar of Credit Suisse calling this QE4 for year-end. QUESTION #2: Martin, You said that the Fed didn’t raise rates a few days ago because the Repo crisis won’t let them. Interestingly, Trump hasn’t blasted Fed chairman Powell for not lowering rates more over the past few weeks. Do […]

Market Talk – December 13, 2019

ASIA: US and China have passed “phase one” of the trade deal, which has halted the upcoming Sunday tariffs that would have applied tariffs on 160 Billion USD worth of goods. China, meanwhile, has agreed to up their spending on US agricultural products to 50 billion USD in the new year. Trump tweeted that they […]

The British Elections & US 2020 Election

There has always been a very interesting correlation between British politics and American. Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister on the 4th of May 1979. Ronald Reagan was elected on November 4, 1980. The BREXIT referendum took place on the 23rd of June 2016. Donald Trump was elected on November 8, 2016. The political trends have […]

Market Talk – December 12, 2019

ASIA: According to reports from Reuters, China is trying to propose a plan to promote Macau to be its next “Hong Kong” by building it into a world-leading financial center. China unveiled plans of creating a yuan-denominated stock exchange, as well as allocating extra land to Macau for it to grow. The region was a […]

Market Talk – December 10, 2019

ASIA: The latest from the street is that US and China are planning to delay the expected rate hikes that are planned for the 15th of December. The initial report came from the WSJ, who quoted that trade negotiators close to the case are reporting a possible delay. However, there has been no official release from […]

Market Talk – December 9, 2019

ASIA: Export figures were released from China this weekend and show that the situation between the two largest economies is getting worse. The exports to the US showed a twelfth consecutive decline. A further round of Chinese tariffs set by the US is also expected to be set by the 15th of December, further adding […]

Impeachment Backlash

  You would think that the Democrats would have learned from the Clinton Impeachment that the people do not support such nonsense. The Democrats have done nothing to help the country. All they have done is obstruct everything possible and have become pro-impeachment radicals who do nothing, but are paid not to do a job. […]

FREXIT – Is France Hurling toward Exiting the EU?

France is by no means calming down. There is a major underlying problem in France which is rising to the surface in direct confrontation with the government and Macron’s ambition to lead Europe. Macron’s confrontation with Trump over NATO is a reflection of a historical posture of the French government that has resented both Germany […]

Market Talk – December 6, 2019

ASIA: More ups and downs regarding the US-China trade deal, with China suggesting they will remove tariffs on soybeans and pork as a gesture of goodwill. Meanwhile, US advisor to the White House Kudlow stated that the trade deal is in a better place than where they were mid-November, but also hinted that US President […]