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The Sovereign State Defaults of 1839-1843

Some question about Sovereign Defaults and how often they occur seem to assume the the Age of New Economics ushered in by Keynes eliminated that possibility and besides, it only took place once in 1931. Even within the United States, the federal government promised to honor the debt of the Continental Congress. They did not. […]

Police & Prosecutors Routinely Lie in NYC

Michael Premo was found innocent by a jury in NYC of assaulting an officer during the Occupy Wall Street event. They charged him with a felony of charging the police like a linebacker, and resisting arrest. Bloomberg, ex-Solomon Brothers Mayor whose main clients are bankers, does not prosecute police who beat citizens but let a citizen defend […]

Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963)

U.S. Supreme Court Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963) Brady v. Maryland No. 490 Argued March 18-19, 1963 Decided May 13, 1963 373 U.S. 83 CERTIORARI TO THE COURT OF APPEALS OF MARYLAND Syllabus In separate trials in a Maryland Court, where the jury is the judge of both the law and the facts […]

Gold – Sell – Buy – Hold?

Everything as far as strategy is concerned depends upon your position. Those who have physical coin it is more difficult to sell and buy than to hold. Traders must go with the trend. If you have tons of physical, then you should be a hedger. Gold has not BROKEN yet. It is in serious trouble […]

Killer Robots – Welcome to Terminator

Many people do not like SciFi Movies. However, the good ones are based upon well researched technology. Jules Gabriel Verne (1828–1905) was a French SciFi author of his day who pioneered the field with his best known novels Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870), Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864), From the Earth to the Moon […]

Italian Unemployment reached 38.7%

Politicians had better stop preparing to kill the people and start reforming. If anyone wonder why the Italian elections came out against austerity and reforms with the comedian Beppe Grillo getting a huge amount of votes, just look at unemployment and stop listening to the bankers who are destroying civilization. Grillo scored huge amount the youth who […]

Gold Sales 10 Tons per Day

The hate mail from die-hard Goldbugs is just endless. People seem compelled to always blame someone else for their own misguided ideas. I have said it plenty of times, between 1970 and 1974 gold rallied from $34 to about $200 on the whole theory of inflation, fiat money, we just abandoned the gold standard in […]

Rule of Law

US Colonial Courthouse Philadelphia   Why Innocent People Plead Guilty (by Judge Rakoff) Hammurabi Legal Code – 1780BC Blackstone – Commentary on the Laws of England Magna Carta Body of Liberties 1641 Mass Bay Laws & Liberties of 1648 Mass. Bay English Bill of Rights 1689 Declaration of Independence Constitution of the United States   United […]

The Real Story of What Went Down Today in DC

I just got off the phone with REAL contacts on Capitol Hill. John Boehner is a country-club-Republican who stands for nothing of any true substance. He will cut a deal for the sake of cutting deals and believes you can split the difference over golf. He was not a fan of the sequester. Nonetheless, he barely held […]

The Real Story What Went Down in DC Today

I just got off the phone with REAL contacts on Capitol Hill. John Boehner is a country-club-Republican who stands for nothing of any true substance. He will cut a deal for the sake of cutting deals and believes you can split the difference over golf. He was not a fan of the sequester. Nonetheless, he […]