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A Piece of History

Proof Politicians Predate History

The Coming Iron Curtain – Resistance is Futile

Resistance is Futile – 911 has indeed been the excuse to strip everyone of all rights whatsoever. Not merely is everyone being fingerprinted if you come to the United States, but now the latest advance will be a lie-detector. But it will NOT be limited to terrorists. Meet the border-official-avatar, who will ask you questions such […]

Attendee’s Of Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference

We are sending our original proposal to Congress concerning tax reform made back in 1995. The proposal was not accepted because the Republicans at the time were concerned that if the income tax would be eliminated, then when the “cycle” changed and the Democrats returned, they would reinstitute the income tax and then there would […]

Moody Cuts UK Credit Rating

If anyone doubts we are in a serious Sovereign Debt Crisis, then explain why even the Credit Agencies are cutting the credit ratings of sovereign nations. There was France, and now there is the UK. Moody’s cuts the UK Credit Rating to Aa1 from Aaa, citing weakness in the nation’s medium-term growth outlook that it now […]

Greece – The Canary In The Coal Mine

The ultimate price of Marxism is striking its deep blow into the very heart of Western Society. We are about to learn the VERY same lesson that both Russia and China had to learn. You cannot control society through its economy by dictating prosperity. President Karolos Papoulias of Greece has come out and made a very […]

Gold Sales Emerging From Storage

I have been warning that the 2010 Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act that has turned into more than 500 pages of regulation and is causing a massive economic global contraction in the velocity of money, is also responsible for gold sales of late. As reported, even Switzerland has been forced to sign away its personal rights and […]

Vancouver Real Estate Declining

Canadian sales of real estate has fallen sharply. According to the press,  Vancouver home owners would rather not sell at all than accept a discounted price. Of course, that is typical in any market. There is always the resistance to a price decline and insistence that they will hold until the market returns. Canada has […]

Tyrant v Statesman

Why do cycles work? Because indeed history repeats since the passions of man never change regardless of the centuries. The majority are always wrong for like Marx, they ignore HOW things function and prefer to believe only WHAT pleases their expectations. It is not that someone need be clairvoyant, all they need do is read […]

Greek Communism Rising

Tens of thousands of anti-austerity demonstrators, who included members of the pro-communist union PAME, gathered during a protest in Athens on Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013. Perhaps 40,000 filled the streets of Athens as unions staged a massive general strike to protest government spending cuts and tax hikes. It is widely criticized that these austerity measure will […]