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Gold – Never Really Made New Highs Yet

The high on gold on the AM London Fixing was $850 back in 1980. However, when we index this to the government CPI adjusting it for inflation, the 1980 high corresponds to a price of $2,305.18 in 2011 dollars. This is a far more important number than all the nonsense of fiat and hyperinflation. Gold […]

France – According to our good pleasure

From a reader in France: The french government is studying a new tax on 1)Family allocations and 2) Retired pensions: But no word about cutting government spending. For example, civil servants don’t pay the entrance fees to swimming pools, the train and subway tickets, etc. Even the children of the french diplomats go to […]

How All Markets Move – Gold is NO Exception

Well, the hate mail has started regarding gold and as usual, I get all the arrows. Sorry, but gold is still a market. It rises and falls according to supply and demand and right now the market is overbought. When I was given a institutional conference in Tokyo, an individual bribed his way in. He […]

Gold – The view

  The computer is short 4 positions. The major support lies at 15795 on a weekly closing basis. Only if that gives way will we break through the bottom of this channel. Gold remain vulnerable since 2012 was 13 years up on a closing basis. Given the pervasive amount of bullishness convinced that the dollar […]

Gold & Silver – An Authoritative Special Report

Much of the stories on the web about silver and gold tend to reflect the official prices rather than the free market prices. There is ALWAYS a free market even during periods of fixed exchange rates. During Bretton Woods, there was currency trading in Hong Kong where the yen fell to nearly 500 to the […]

Curious – 2 Russian Bombers Fly into US Air Space Before State of Union

Two Russian bombers on the 12th flew over the U.S. Overseas Territories of Guam, forcing the U.S. military fighters to be scrambled in response withe two F-15 fighter planes. The curious incident took place just before Barack Obama delivered his State of the Union speech in Washington which may explain why he was late.

Long Time Socialists Starting to Feel Political Pain

What is interesting to watch is how the Socialists in countries that have been excessively Marxist for decades are starting to see the light that what they have preached from limos and Five Star hotels for decades, just as the democrats in America, is unraveling before their eyes. This is all part of the Sovereign […]

G20 Promises to Refrain from Currency Wars

It has only taken since 1933 for government to final admit that competitive devaluation of currencies actually harms the economy. In a G20 communique after a meeting of finance ministers and central bankers in Moscow, they stated: “We recognize that the excessive volatility of financial flows and disorderly movements in the exchange rates have adverse implications […]

Europe in Trouble

Europe will put in the lowest economic growth in the world for 2013. The German national statistics office Destatis calculated that gross domestic product (GDP) contracted by 0.6 per cent in price, calendar, and seasonally adjusted terms in the period from October to December. The Eurozone economy contracted far more than generally feared in 4Q 2012, […]

SEC Criminally Charge Only Non-Bankers

The SEC has filed criminal charges on insider trading front-running which is standard practice by the New York Trading Banks. This is just further evidence that the bankers ate TOO BIG TO PROSECUTE or as one NY Lawyer said to me why they will never charge a NY Bank – “You don’t shit where you […]