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Gold – Reality Check

The chaos in gold is typical. Already, the hate mail has begun. “Stop the Bullshit” one said because demand in Shanghai is at record highs.It takes far more than one country to make a bull market. Others just blame me for the decline because they just listen to those who always say buy. The New […]

Déjà vu – Detroit Nearing Bankruptcy Again!

Déjà vu – In 1934, Congress enacted the first municipal bankruptcy legislation – Chapter 9. This was born of necessity during the Great Depression. One city to go bankrupt was Detroit in 1934. In 1956, the Packard Plant closed and is the largest abandoned plant in history to this day. Nevertheless, Detroit had been the center of […]

Europe & Japan Going Down the Toilet

Question: “Europe along with Japan look like they are preparing to be flushed down the toilet,” would you anticipate their equity markets to be flushed down the toilet as well.  (Not necessarily a crash, but a very large correction). ANSWER: NO! This is part of the Sovereign Debt Crisis. I was speaking politically ONLY – […]

Comments from Our French Readers

    Comment From Our French Readers Titan International’s boss is right. There are two strong mentalities here in France: 1. Employees view their company as a charitable organization that owe them more than a salary: benefits, security, fidelity, etc as if it is a marriage! 2. The government view the people as a milk […]

The Dow

The Dow Jones Industrials have only reached 14102. They have not yet exceeded the 2007 high. Nonetheless, the market is paused for significantly higher highs and for now we are still in a staging position. Today should have been a Directional Change and the Dow backed off. Still, we face a lot of volatility building […]

What Will Happen on March 1st Sequester – NOTHING!

Obama is trying desperately to paint the picture that the end of the world is here and that hundreds of thousands of government employees will be thrown out on the streets. From his mouth to God’s ear, as the say. Unfortunately, God is not listening and all we have is more bullshit on top of […]

Uncompetitive France

The head of US tire maker Titan International launched a blunt attack on French productivity. He told the government that some French workers “work only three hours a day” and his company would be “stupid” to consider taking over a factory in the country. The remarks of Titan’s CEO, Maurice Taylor, addressed in a letter […]

The Untold Story of American Women Raped by Government

The gang rapes in India have shocked the world. But worse has been the revelation that participating members of the gangs have included Indian politicians. You would expect this practice to be gangs of youths. But no – politicians joining the melee? It was very common that women are being raped by prison guards in […]

Obama is Insane!!!!

Obama wants MORE tax increases and no spending cuts. This man is totally insane. He must have taken the little bus to schools because his logic is anything but logic, and his observation powers are myopic for he cannot see what France is doing. His constant insane rantings against anyone who has money should cough […]

No Government Has Ever Survived a Debt Crisis !!!!!

Question: Has any government ever survived a debt crisis? The answer to that is ABSOLUTELY no. This is simply how government always die and we do not speak Latin, Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Chinese, or Ancient Babylonian. They have ALWAYS, and without exception, used the same Obama Logic going on right now. They have routinely seen themselves as […]