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No Government Has Ever Survived A Debt Crisis!!!!!

Question: Has any government ever survived a debt crisis? The answer to that is ABSOLUTELY no. This is simply how government always die and we do not speak Latin, Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Chinese, or Ancient Babylonian. They have ALWAYS, and without exception, used the same Obama Logic going on right now. They have […]

Obama Logic

President Barack Obama is warning that “people will lose their jobs” if across-the-board budget cuts take effect as scheduled next week. He argues that the $85 billion in cuts — known as the sequester — are “severe” and says they won’t help the economy and won’t create jobs. Let me get this straight. If he raises […]

Use of Drones inside USA Causing Constitutional Problems

The drones (unmanned & armed remote control aircraft) are widely used by the US against foreign targets outside of the USA. However, there is a growing concern that use of drones inside the USA would be the final straw in completing George Orwell’s 1984 with big brother watching everything. Cities have already adopted cameras monitoring […]

Get Him

Rand Paul on Obama State of Union Speech

The deficit reduction scheme in Washington has always been overstate what you INTEND to spend, cut that back 20%, and proclaim you cut the deficit. We might as well all write those checks between countries for $20 trillion at the end of each quarter and proclaim we balanced the budget that day!

Gold – Never Really Made New Highs Yet

The high on gold on the AM London Fixing was $850 back in 1980. However, when we index this to the government CPI adjusting it for inflation, the 1980 high corresponds to a price of $2,305.18 in 2011 dollars. This is a far more important number than all the nonsense of fiat and hyperinflation. Gold […]

France – According to our good pleasure

From a reader in France: The french government is studying a new tax on 1)Family allocations and 2) Retired pensions: But no word about cutting government spending. For example, civil servants don’t pay the entrance fees to swimming pools, the train and subway tickets, etc. Even the children of the french diplomats go to […]

How All Markets Move – Gold is NO Exception

Well, the hate mail has started regarding gold and as usual, I get all the arrows. Sorry, but gold is still a market. It rises and falls according to supply and demand and right now the market is overbought. When I was given a institutional conference in Tokyo, an individual bribed his way in. He […]

Gold – The view

  The computer is short 4 positions. The major support lies at 15795 on a weekly closing basis. Only if that gives way will we break through the bottom of this channel. Gold remain vulnerable since 2012 was 13 years up on a closing basis. Given the pervasive amount of bullishness convinced that the dollar […]

Gold & Silver – An Authoritative Special Report

Much of the stories on the web about silver and gold tend to reflect the official prices rather than the free market prices. There is ALWAYS a free market even during periods of fixed exchange rates. During Bretton Woods, there was currency trading in Hong Kong where the yen fell to nearly 500 to the […]