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The Rising Tide of Civil Unrest Globally

QUESTION: Dear Marty , what do you’re models say about the unrest in South America (Chili, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentinia) . It looks like the whole continent is on flames. All the best, ciao G ANSWER: I will update the Cycle of War in 2020. As I have stated many times, the computer has […]

Market Talk – December 4, 2019

  ASIA: US President Donald Trump sounded a little more optimistic over the trade deal with China today, having stated that current talks are going very well. Yesterday, President Trump sent the market into a slight frenzy suggesting that perhaps it would be better to wait until after the elections in November next year to […]

Socrates Project – Best Kept Secret

QUESTION: Marty; A friend of mine is an analyst at one of the major banks in New York. He said they are not allowed to forecast some things as you said. He used to work for a European bank and did say it was much worse.  He said everyone who is anyone reads you. He […]

Market Talk – December 3, 2019

ASIA: US President Trump has suggested that the trade deal with China might have to wait until after the 2020 election in November. “I have no deadline, no. In some ways, I think I think it’s better to wait until after the election with China,” Trump told reporters at a NATO meeting in London. This caused […]

2020 Elections to be the Most Violent

QUESTION: The more I read that Trump’s opponents will resort to violence, I am amazed at your computer and how it has been putting all this together years in advance. Are we just pre-programmed somehow? KF ANSWER: I do not think it is the people who are pre-programmed. It seems to me that government inevitably […]

Market Talk – December 2, 2019

ASIA: China has suspended a visit from the US Navy in Hong Kong after last week’s passing of the bill which requires the US to annually monitor Chinas compliance with human rights issues. China did manage to retaliate by placing sanctions on a few US human rights groups. “We urge the US to correct the […]

Market Talk – November 27, 2019

ASIA: Chinese economic news today showed that industrial profits have had the biggest fall since 2011 in October. The trade war is the obvious culprit here with the global economy turning down. The industrial profits are down 9.9% year-over-year, and down 5.3% from September alone. US President Trump announced that he and President Xi of […]

Fake News is Spreading Worldwide

According to an Infratest poll, 38 percent of Germans consider the media politically driven and 33 percent consider the media unbelievable. Despite the fact that the mainstream media keeps attacking Trump because he has called them “Fake News,” there is a growing discontent with news overall. Governments are manipulating the news and sites like Wikipedia […]

Market Talk – November 25, 2019

ASIA: The recent elections in Hong Kong have given a landslide victory to pro-democratic parties. However, Beijing reiterated that Hong Kong will always be ruled by China. The foreign minister said at a G20 meeting in Tokyo, “No matter how the situation in Hong Kong changes, it is very clear that Hong Kong is a […]

France Blocks Reports of Protests Against Muslim Population

  There is a rising discontent in France, which has the largest Muslim population in Europe. Many French see their language and culture as being suppressed by the politically correct government of Macron. The entire refugee invasion begun unilaterally by Merkel of Germany has changed the shape of Europe drastically. The French government prohibited the […]