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Why is Putin Holding Back?

QUESTION: Hi, I speak Polish. On Twitter, one Polish military guy remarked that on all those videos he can not see the most modern Russian equipment. This was unexpected as you would anticipate otherwise considering the character of rapid attack. Is Putin planning more than the Ukraine invasion? Or did he not expect the dogged […]

The Other Side in Ukraine

COMMENT FROM Donbass: I’m definitely not for war. But for 8 years, since 2014, the Ukrainian government has murdered and bombed Russian people there. Especially the cities (Donetsk and Lugansk) that refused to accept the fascist government that the United States and the European Union imposed on you in 2014 with blood and violence. Russians in Ukraine […]

Market Talk – February 25, 2022

ASIA: Singapore has raised concerns with India about its ban of popular gaming app “Free Fire,” owned by technology group Sea Ltd, in the first sign of diplomatic intervention after the move spooked investors, Reuters reported. After the ban, the market value of the New York-listed Southeast Asian firm dropped by $16 billion in a […]

The People Do Not Want War

Putin wants a war, but the people do not. Russians gathered in over 44 cities to protest the war on Thursday, despite knowing that there would be consequences. The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs vowed to take “all necessary measures to ensure public order.” Russia has notoriously harsh protesting laws and any opposition to the […]

The World at War

We have confirmation from Taiwan that nine Chinese Air Force planes on Thursday morning flew into Taiwan’s air space as a warning when Taiwan came out to officially condemn Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine. We are preparing a report on the projection for targets going forward into 2032. This will also include Taiwan & Asia […]

Market Talk – February 24, 2022

ASIA: Asian stock markets plunged and oil prices surged Thursday after President Vladimir Putin announced Russian military action in Ukraine. The Shanghai Composite Index lost 0.9%, and the Nikkei 225 in Tokyo sank 2.2%. The Hang Seng in Hong Kong tumbled 3.1%. Oil prices jumped nearly $3 per barrel on unease about possible disruption of […]

New Interview – The New World Order Desperate as Plan Falls Apart

Click here to watch Martin Armstrong’s latest interview with Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog. A message from Mr. Hunter: Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong thinks the New World Order’s so-called “Great Reset” plan for humanity is falling apart, and the globalists are becoming increasingly “desperate.” Armstrong explains, “They are basically desperate at […]

Is Schwab Evil?

A number of people have asked why I do not believe that Schwab is evil. What I am saying is he does not think what he is doing is evil. He really believes his deranged economic theories are beneficial. What Schwab has done will unleash evil, but I do not think he intended it that […]

Market Talk – February 23, 2022

ASIA: China will unveil bigger tax and fee cuts this year and step-up payments to local governments to offset their hit to revenues, Finance Minister Liu Kun said on Tuesday, amid efforts to support a slowing economy. China’s strong economic recovery from its sharp pandemic-induced slump started losing momentum in the middle of last year, […]

Volodymyr Zelensky – The Man Intent on Creating World War III

After Viktor Yanukovych was removed from power in early 2014 during the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution, the chairman of parliament Oleksandr Turchynov was appointed to the role of acting president. The Ukrainian people were very upset for they believed that there would be no real change. You MUST draw a line between what the people did and what the […]