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European Economic Suicide

The EU Commission is moving forward on a Financial Transaction Tax. This is pretended to impose more discipline on traders. The problem is there is nobody in government that even understands trading to regulate anything. This is just another tax and grab scheme. The supporters say it is nothing just 0.1%. That is how they […]

Taxing Your Way to Economic Boom?

So many countries are following Obama and assume that raising taxes on the “rich” is now justified. Britain is moving to add the “Mansion Tax” additional taxes on property valued at £2 million. The benefit is claimed it will reduce the average person taxes by £2 a week. Property taxes in the City of London on […]

Dow – Near-Term Risk

There is clearly a risk of a temporary high this week. It is 13 weeks up, and the momentum is losing ground. Nevertheless, our energy models are not excessively overbought. Here is what the resistance looks like. Volatility starts next week. If we get a low into July/August, then a rally will follow thereafter. A […]


We still see unemployment rising. The primary trend is the state and local government cannot print money and are the major source from which jobs will vanish. Of course there is the natural evolution of changes within the economy as it continues to evolve. That means there is some reduction in jobs due to the […]

Gold, Dollar & the Dow

The questions about gold v the Dow seem to be relentless. Here seems to be the number one question people ask. “Are you saying Gold & the Dollar and Dow can rise together?” Most of the nonsense about gold are sales pitches designed to convince people to buy. They far too often are not well […]

Why do they Hate us so Much?

The leak from the Justice Department recently has been a strangely clarifying political moment. This leak of the Justice Department’s “white paper” justifying Obama’s claimed power for it to be lawful to now execute Americans without charges, has followed the bone chilling confirmation hearing of John Brennan who refused to say whether or not the President of […]

Philadelphia DOUBLING Property Taxes & Self-Interest

Philadelphia must have waited for Obama’ State of the Union speech for today out comes the news they fully concur the rich should pay for everyone. Of course their definition of the rich seems to be anyone now with a job and a home. All property taxes are DOUBLING or more in the business and […]

No Pension for the man who killed Bin Laden

Let’s Get Real – Madoff for Sec. Treasury

Look! Why constantly hire lawyers and bankers to run what Madoff was doing for decades. Hire someone with experience for once. He knows how to pretend to be trading and how to run a Ponzi scheme churning money around in circles. A Ponzi Scheme by definition is something where there really is no investment. The […]

Strange Events

Just after the Pope announced his resignation, Saint Peters at the Vatican was struck by lightening a few minutes past 6PM. This is now being herald as proof that the last Pope will arrive according to St Malachy’s forecasts. I remember when there was the assassination attempt on the last Pope. The markets went dead […]