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No Pension for the man who killed Bin Laden

Let’s Get Real – Madoff for Sec. Treasury

Look! Why constantly hire lawyers and bankers to run what Madoff was doing for decades. Hire someone with experience for once. He knows how to pretend to be trading and how to run a Ponzi scheme churning money around in circles. A Ponzi Scheme by definition is something where there really is no investment. The […]

Strange Events

Just after the Pope announced his resignation, Saint Peters at the Vatican was struck by lightening a few minutes past 6PM. This is now being herald as proof that the last Pope will arrive according to St Malachy’s forecasts. I remember when there was the assassination attempt on the last Pope. The markets went dead […]

The Dow 20,000 or Bust?

The Dow Jones Industrial Index has been pressing against the 2007 high, but we still need a monthly closing ABOVE 14280. Actually, we face rising volatility in March and April. As we approach the ECM target date of August 7th, 2013, we will need some caution. If we obtain a monthly closing ABOVE 14280 soon, […]

Taxes Changing Sports

Sports figures are changing venues and refusing to accept payments for services all because of taxes. Politicians do not get it. Raise taxes and people change their behavior. Why is it raising taxes including payroll is OK, but cutting government waste would be bad for the economy?–pacquiao-prefers-to-fight-marquez-in-china-because-of-high-u-s–taxes-003802872.html David Beckham is donating all earnings […]

Asia – War Is It On Time?

I cannot stress how serious things are in Asia all because the USA is now seen as impotent thanks to the debt. China and Japan, along with North and South Korean troops at the DMZ, are clearly on high alert. They are just one small incident away from letting the bullets fly. Armed combat and tensions […]

Unequal Treatment Leads to Chaos

Most people in the West have never heard of the Unequal Treaty scandal of Asia. Not merely did this result in the resignation of the Prime Minister in Japan during 1889 for being too easy with the West, but it was the justification for the rise of Communism in China in 1949 – the historical […]

Disarming America

  The State of the Union is being used to further the disarming of all law-abiding citizens. It is already illegal to use a gun in drugs, Mafia, robbery, or just to possess a gun with a prior record. None of this has had any effect on reducing crime significantly. So we do not need […]

How to Trade a Panic

How to trade a Panic is one of the most important skills you will need to survive the years ahead. This is where the greatest amount of money is both won as well as lost. There have been few traders over the decades that have really mastered this fine art. It takes a lot of […]

Dollar Bears – Look Out – It’s Buy Time!

Quite a few readers have asked: “You must be advising Japan again. China is too obvious. You say don’t buy bonds from NY and 2 weeks later they stop. Looks like Japan is following you again.” We just cannot comment on who is a client or not. As for the trend, yes. The dollar bottomed […]