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Resignation of the Pope – Was it On Time?

I have been asked was this Resignation of the Pope in accordance with the cycles? Actually yes. 2013 was a  Directional Change for the Papacy. It was 230 intervals of 8.6 years. If we take the excommunication of Martin Luther on January 3, 1521, the cycle hit also in 2011.208, The year 2013 was a […]

Heinrich Schliemann

Heinrich Schliemann (1822 – 1890) was a German businessman and the real man who pioneered of field archaeology. He believed in the historical accuracy of Homer’s Iliad and Virgil’s Aeneid and that they told stories that reflected actual historical events. Of course, all the academics pronounced Homer’s writing was a story for children. Schliemann was […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis

[wpvideo OQg6rTaz] Sovereign Debt Crisis Our Proposal Present to Government of Cyprus List of Modern Sovereign Debt Defaults 1800 – 2012  Armstrong Economics: Anatomy of a Debt Crisis(Martin Armstrong, 03/18/12) Armstrong Economics: Credit Default Swaps Prove Worthless (Martin Armstrong, 03/02/12) Armstrong Economics: The Sovereign Debt Crisis (Martin Armstrong, 02/24/12) Armstrong Economics: What’s Going On Now […]

USA in Self-Destructive Mode

Lawyers outside the USA handling Americans who live outside the country, amounting to 33% of the population of Canada, are reporting massive lines to resign their citizenship. One Swiss married to an American woman for 20 years, took their son to the local bank at age 14 to open his first account. They rejected him […]

New Study Confirms NY Corruption

Traveling around the world and meeting with governments revealed a very interesting development. Because of my confrontation with New York, everyone felt at ease to speak frankly. They all confirmed that the view of NYC is on par with some third world dictatorship. Speaking with fund managers produced similar results. After MF Global, they concur, […]

ARMSTRONG v McALPIN, 606 F.2d 28 (2d Cir 1979)

606 F.2d 28 Fed. Sec. L. Rep. P 97,120 Michael F. ARMSTRONG et al., Plaintiffs-Appellees, v. Clovis McALPIN et al., Defendants-Appellants. No. 1010, Docket 79-7042. United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit. Argued June 13, 1979. Decided Sept. 12, 1979. J. Robert Lunney, New York City (Michael J. McAllister and James J. DeLuca, Lunney & […]

Sovereign Debt Defaults & Restructuring

List of modern Sovereign Debt Defaults or Debt Restructuring The following list includes actual sovereign defaults and debt restructuring of independent countries from 1800 till 2012 Africa Algeria (1991) Angola (1976, 1985, 1992-2002) Cameroon (2004) Central African Republic (1981, 1983) Congo (Kinshasa) (1979) Côte d’Ivoire (1983, 2000) Gabon (1999–2005) Ghana (1979, 1982) Liberia (1989–2006) Madagascar […]

German Election Forecast

We will be looking at the German Elections in September at the upcoming Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference in Philadelphia on March 16th, 2013.

Just Nuts

This is what happens when politicians have TOO MUCH time on their hands. We should go back to part time jobs where they show up for 1 month then go home.

China Beat USA in 2012 – Happy New Year

People who have questioned whether our computer model is correct in forecasting China will become the new Financial Capital of the World had just better take a look at the numbers for 2012. The total exports and imports of goods last year for the USA totaled $3.82 trillion according to the US Commerce Department. China’s […]