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Comments from Europe on Europe

Income tax was introduced in England in 1798 as a temporary measure to fight Napoleon. Have we defeated Napoleon yet? ————————————————————————— Anti EU feeling is very high in the UK – politicians have always shied away from a referendum because they know we want out and they fear that an attack the EU will ultimately […]

Maybe We Need More Freshman – Warren Grills SEC

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D) of Massachusetts, actually asked regulators very pointed and appropriate questions that ONLY a Freshman would ask. TOO BIG TO FAIL really means TOO BIG TO PROSECUTE. She asked (1) why has no Wall Street Bank EVER been taken to trial where testimony would be revealing, and (2) why are the banks trading […]

Follow the Money – It leads even to a Body of Dead Popes Put on Trial

The Pope’s resignation has  inspired many articles about how Popes have even been imprisoned. To set the record straight, the battle with the Papacy has usually been about money. Yes, many Popes have been put through the ringer and others have been appointed like the Manchurian Candidate to control the Papacy. So yes, there is […]

Republican Party Splitting In TWO – 3rd Party Rising for 2016

Economic Conservatives have lost their representation. There is only the Marxist left and the Religious Right that care more about abortion and gay rights than the economic survival of themselves and their posterity. Our computer has been warning that there will be a huge spike in Third Party activity for 2016. There is a high […]

Meteor Crashes into Russia

Well in Ancient Times, such a sign was taken as the fall of some king, or they worshiped it as a stone from God vindicating their power – Elagabalus.

Spain & Institutionalized Corruption

The level of corruption in government is off the charts and it is systemic on a global basis. In the US we give them titles – lobbyists. In Spain, there has been a flood of incriminating data flowing from the “book Barcenas”. The “B accounts” People’s Party, which has to be paid in bonuses to black […]

European Economic Suicide

The EU Commission is moving forward on a Financial Transaction Tax. This is pretended to impose more discipline on traders. The problem is there is nobody in government that even understands trading to regulate anything. This is just another tax and grab scheme. The supporters say it is nothing just 0.1%. That is how they […]

Taxing Your Way to Economic Boom?

So many countries are following Obama and assume that raising taxes on the “rich” is now justified. Britain is moving to add the “Mansion Tax” additional taxes on property valued at £2 million. The benefit is claimed it will reduce the average person taxes by £2 a week. Property taxes in the City of London on […]

Dow – Near-Term Risk

There is clearly a risk of a temporary high this week. It is 13 weeks up, and the momentum is losing ground. Nevertheless, our energy models are not excessively overbought. Here is what the resistance looks like. Volatility starts next week. If we get a low into July/August, then a rally will follow thereafter. A […]


We still see unemployment rising. The primary trend is the state and local government cannot print money and are the major source from which jobs will vanish. Of course there is the natural evolution of changes within the economy as it continues to evolve. That means there is some reduction in jobs due to the […]